It's too soon

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^vince in high school😍😂

WARNING:harassment,language,usual stuff

AUTHOR'S NOTE:Sorry for my inactivity!!!I've been busy ALOT and I feel really bad that I've been shutting you all out, Anyways I'm sorry this chapter is pretty short and I probrobly misspelled a lot of stuff!.Also, please comment on these chapters, entertain me with your thoughts!, tell me everything! :)


I looked at Tommy deciding what to say, He looked at me with his hazel eyes just so desperate.I really didn't know...I mean I just sort of met him and I want to get to know him more instead of starting things fast.

I looked at him again letting out a sigh, How could I say no to him right now!? His eyes staring straight through me with his desperate face.He was so fucking cute.FUCKKKKK.

"Fine" I mutter as Tommy jumps up in excitement like a little kid on a trampoline."don't get too exited.I can be a pain in the ass to-" and without a warning Tommy interrupts by picking me up with his hands on my hips I Yelp then start laughing.

Tommy finally puts me down as we both pant from the excitement."I'm gonna need a while to get ready though" I say, Tommy looks at me with an uneasy look "oh Tommy, it'll only be about 2 weeks that's not long" I say rolling my eyes,Tommy sighs "alright,just please be careful" I smile not saying anything, Because of course I couldn't promise him that.

Honestly, I didn't even mean to agree to run away with him, Something in me just said yes.I look down on my watch "shit" I say as I then run my fingers through my hair "it's getting late I better head back home" I say nervously.

God knows how my dad will react when I come home.Tommy looks down as if he was sad I had to leave "Meet me at lory's diner tommorow morning at 7, We can walk to school together?" I say. Tommy cheers up "alright!"

We head down the hill back to the van and get in."how was birds" I hear from behind me I roll my eyes ignoring Vince."dude....shut the FUCK up, Nothing happened." Tommy said looking dead straight into Vince's eyes.Vince puts his hands up in surrender "sorry......damn" Tommy starts the car and we drive off.

Vince seemed like an asshole, but also a cool guy...if he wasn't hitting on me, I would definitely want to make friends with him but by the looks of it I'm not so sure if that would work out.

« So do you just live back there?" I turn and ask Vince breaking the awkward silence during the car ride "uh yes and no.I'm only in here when I need a place to sleep but usually when I'm not here I'm in school,or out at a club.... and fucking chicks" he said with a bit of a smirk on him I saw Tommy clench his fist in annoyance as he then settled down.

I just awkwardly nodded at Vince.The rest of the ride was silent except for me guiding Tommy to my area.

."right here's good" I tell Tommy "are you sure?" He asks "yes" "well be careful,And also I had an amazing time." Tommy say smiling wide i couldn't help but smile back just as much as he was "I had alot of fun too, Thank you for everything and by the way...I'll pay you back for buying me that mea"- Tommy interrupts with a warm smile "don't bother" I chuckle and give him a hug then turn to start walking.

Tommy's POV

I watched Y/N walk off as she turned around again "Don't forget tomorrow morning at 7!! Lory's diner!" She calls out "got it!! See you then" I call back.She smiles the starts walking off into the night.Gosh she is beautiful."i bet she's a great lay" vince says i turn around to see vince smirking while watching Y/N walk away , totally ruined the moment. "vince...dude...what the fuck is your problem?!" i almost yell at vince.Vince looks at me confused "so, you like her?" vince says back to smirking,i hesitated on what to say then just ignored vince and drove away.I really like Y/N,I might even love her- no no no no snap out of it tommy.You just met her.But god her soft long brown wavy hair, i loved the feeling of how it felt when i was running my fingers through it, and her eyes it was like they were a carmel brown color with green and it was the most beautiful pair of eyes i have ever seen, her skin was perfect and glowing, her voice was like something i could fall asleep to, her voice calmed me.It was everything about her that was perfect.Should i ask her out? no way. i cant.It's too soon...what if she says no?.fuck.

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