Star gazing

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^Tommy in high school😍

language, mention of death, violence, abuse, usual things

WRITERS NOTE:I'm sorry! It's been a while and I know this is a VERY short one!.I really am not good at keeping POV'S in order so they will be mixed up probably through this whole fan fiction.

Me and Tommy were lying down on the ground looking at the dark sky and stars.

It was a bit quiet. "so...tell me about yourself" Tommy says.I felt pretty comfortable with Tommy already almost to the point I could tell him anything, even though I don't know him much.I sat up and looked down and the ground thinking of what to tell him.

"well...I don't know really I guess I'm just boring." .Tommy sat up and says "I doubt that, Just tell me anything.About your childhood,parents,hobbies,favorite bands,where your from.stuff like that." I take a sip of beer and say "where do I start?"

start by whatever makes you comfortable then you can work your way up to telling me anything.Hey no rush though,only tell me what you want to."Tommy says then punching my shoulder playfully, I smile "of course not,Honestly I feel like I could tell you anything.", Tommy smiles "alright then" he says.

I adjust my position to where im facing tommy. "well I was born in Minnesota......then um... my mom died from giving birth to me" Tommy looked down as if he didn't know what to do. "I'm so sorry" he says quietly... "it's okay" I say calmly.

I pull out a picture of my mother that I always keep in my small purse every day,my mother was beautiful.She had very long brown wavy hair and the most beautiful smile i have ever EVER seen.

I pass the photo to Tommy "this is my mother" he looks at the photo "she's beautiful, And she looks just like you.Especially your eyes and smile, and hair too." he says while still looking at the photo, then hands me it as I put it back it my purse.

"After my mom died we moved here to West Covina California, and my dad raised me ever since...I mean my mom's death created a psycho.... a..... dad."


FUCK.i shouldn't of said that.

There was a pause I looked down trying not to cry.I swear to god if I cried in front of Tommy. There was no turning back now.

"Now all he does is fuck whores, do drugs, drink, and just be the violent and abusive fucker he is." At this point I already had tears running down my cheek,I squeezed then threw my beer can in anger.

Tommy moved in closer to me and wrapped his arm around me and hugged me, I buried my face in his shoulder as I cried.

Tommy ran his fingers through my hair as I had my arms around him,the feeling of his warm fingers running through my hair have me tingles, good tingles they made my nerves feel calm and less tense.

Tommy then wiped the tears off my cheek "I'm sorry for making this so cheesy" I chuckle a bit and sniffled.I look up at Tommy who looks like he was crying too or he was about to.

He did not chuckle or smile back, He looked serious and looked like he felt bad.Tommy lifted up my sleeves just like he knew what was going on, he found the bruises and scars from my father.

Tommy looks up at me "He's hurting you." He says with tears in his eyes, His face turned into slight anger.I look away trying not to say anything, Tommy grabs my chin and puts my face in his direction.

"Y/N please stay with me,I don't want you to go back there, he's gonna keep hurting you.".

I let out a sigh "I can't Tommy.What will your parents even think?And most importantly,what do you think my dad is gonna do.I can't put your family in danger with my proble-" tommy interrupts "We can run away with eachother,Buy an apartment.I can take care of you" he says desperately,I give him a unsure look, I was trying to see if he was actually serious, But he was...he was DEAD serious.

"If not then you HAVE to do something about this I can't let this keep happening to you."Tommy says.I snap open another beer and take a sip and look at Tommy who is still looking at me "please" he says.

I never thought about actually reaching out to someone like the police about my dad, It's because I didn't Want to end up in a foster home or some shit, and I hated dealing with police and those kind of people "I can't Tommy." Tommy stood up "I can't let you live like this, I know I haven't known you for long but your the only person I care about right now and I'm not letting this happen, I'll give you two choices.ONE, run away with me to L.A-" I let out a small laugh "or TWO you run away with me to L.A"

...I mean what did i have to loose, I could sneak away and just live my life with Tommy.Two young broke teens living in L.A .My Life was already fucked up and why not at least try and make things better?.

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