Chapter 18

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3rd person’s POV

     The next morning, they walked the following five klicks to the harbour. “How’s the ankle?” : Nico asked. “Mostly better,” : Reyna replied, “that empousa got me good. Which reminds me, something was strange about the monsters.” Nico raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, they seemed very coordinated. Not just like normal monsters, more like a hunting party.” : Reyna continued. “Hmm, could be the result of that ‘ancient foe’ from the prophecy.” : Nico suggested. 

     They walked along discussing the prophecy further, when suddenly something occurred to Reyna. “How come you’re here?” : she asked. “I felt something was wrong, so I tracked you through the shadows and found you in the woods.”  Nico replied, but a hesitation in his voice told Reyna that he wasn’t telling her something. “Neeks, what aren’t you telling me?” : she pressed. Nico ran a hand through his hair. “I may have accidentally left camp without telling anyone.” : he stammered out. Reyna smacked a palm against her forehead. “But hey, you can’t deny that you’re grateful I’m here.” : he teased. 

     Reyna punched him in the shoulder again. They bought tickets for a straight ferry to San Juan. They checked into their cabins, and crashed immediately. 

AN: I know it doesn't make sense to take a ferry when they could just fly, but for the sake of plot they're taking a ferry.

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