Chapter 22

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Nico's POV

     "During the first titan war, Hades created the Kraken as a weapon against the titans. Oceanus was neutral, thus a good aquatic weapon would be useful. After the war, it disappeared. My father tried to find it, but Zeus and Poseidon didn't like such a powerful weapon in Hades' hands. What you saw back there, she was only messing around with that ship. So my father was forced to abandon it. " : I explained. We floated on their backs, trying to come up with a plan. "We're still almost a day out from San Juan." : Reyna mused, "and our packs were on the ship, so we have no supplies or cash."  "Actually," : I said, trying to sit up and floundering because we were floating, "I doubled back and retrieved our packs from our rooms, so we're all good there. That's why I took so long just now."  "Nice." : Reyna replied. "But as to our current predicament..."  

     We fell silent as we tried to brainstorm a plan to get out of our current situation. "Perhaps we could..." : Reyna started, but was cut short by the distant hum of an engine slicing through the still of the sea. Thirty seconds later, a small yacht appeared on the horizon speeding directly towards us. The boat pulled up near us, the word 'Lifeguard' smeared on the side in bright-red letters. A cheery lifeguard popped up, waving and said : "Hello! Lovely day." Then she pulled a pistol from a waist holster and levelled it right at me. 

     "Wait!" : I yelled, "before you kill us, perhaps you could allow us onboard. It would make retrieving our bodies far easier."  The lifeguard seemed to ponder my request for a few moments. Finally it replied, : "Since you were kind enough to spare us a thought, very well you may board." As we clambered over the side of the hull, the lifeguard kept his gun trained on me, staying just out of sword reach. Reyna mouthed the word 'blemmyae'  as she helped me over the side. 

     "Please keep your hands where I can see them, and sword on the deck if you please." : the lifeguard said. "Thank you for allowing us the courtesy of boarding your very magnificent vessel." : Reyna piped up. The lifeguard smiled broadly. "You're most welcome! I have to say most demigods aren't as polite as you two. But I'm afraid that changes very little." It raised the gun, pointing it right at my head.

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