Cold Journey

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"We must take the mountain pass," Said Gandalf. Even though you were an elf you never liked snow very much, but you didn't put up a fight. The fellowship tracked up the mountain slowly but surely. "Y/N I'm bored," Pippin told you. "Well you'll just have to find some way to entertain yourself pip," You responded. That was a bad call. A few moments later something hard collided with the back of your head. You whipped around to find merry and Pippin laughing at you holding snowballs in their arms. You glared playfully at them. Pippin threw one right at your face but you managed to Dodge it. However, it hit Aragorn smack in the face instead. Time froze for a second and then it was a full out war. Snowballs flying everywhere. Gandalf was making snowballs and lobbing them like baseballs with his staff towards Gimli. The only person who didn't seem to be taking part in it was Legolas. You were about to change that.

You gathered the snow up in your arms and made a huge snowballs. With all the strength you could muster you threw it at him. It hit him in the chest and threw him to the ground. He was on his feet almost instantly looking around through the battle to see who threw it. His eyes landed on you smirking victoriously at him. You two engaged in your own battle laughing and throwing snowballs at each other. Suddenly everything went silent. Frodo was rolling down the mountain with Aragorn rushing after him. Pippin shuffled behind you and Legolas looking guilty so it wasn't hard to find out what happend.

You saw Borimir pick something up and it you a moment to realize it was the ring. Borimir stood there for a moment holding it before giving it back to him. Out if the corner of your eye you saw Aragorn's hand slip off of his sword handle.

The fellowship continued on through the mountain. The higher we climbed the more vicious the storm became. The hobbits were the ones having the most trouble though. Pippin faltered next to you and your hands shot out and grabbed him. You begun carrying Pippin bridal style to make sure he did not fall off of the mountain. Legolas jogged up ahead to scout the area. "There is a fell voice in the air," Legolas yelled. Gandalf then yelled, "It's Saruman!" Gandalf began to mutter a counter curse but to no avail. You heard a loud crack above you and looked up to see snow falling towards you. Before you knew it everything went black.

Merry Christmas guys!!!  You might have noticed but I love Pippin. Also make sure to request for imagines!!!

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