Short Story: Bullying on Assumption

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What's his problem? He's so quiet, and when he speaks, everyone latches on to his every word like it has some deep meaning. Why can't anyone see that he's probably secretly looking down on all of us? That he's all bark and no bite? As a matter of fact, he's so aloof that he doesn't even bark. This guy has no substance. What do people see in a person like him? The other day, he bumped into me and didn't even acknowledge me. He just brushed me off like I was nothing! I hate guys like him. They always seem to get their way. He's probably a spoiled brat. I should put him in his place. Yeah, that's a good idea. I'd finally get to see some emotion on his stupidly handsome face. Maybe he'll cry because someone finally called him out on his lies. Oh, how fun it would be to see him cry. His perfect facade will crumble, and it will be all my fault. I can't wait to confront him. I can't wait to see him in pain.

The bell for the last class of the day rings, and my previous evil fantasies scatter. I quickly gather my things and throw my bag over one shoulder. A swift glance around the room tells me he already left. Where would a guy like him go in such a rush? I hurriedly leave the room, weaving my way through the crowd of people. Thankfully the brat is tall, and I spot him easily.

"Hey, you!" A few curious heads turn to look at me, but the one person I wanted to doesn't. "Hey!" I catch up to him, and he looks down at me coldly. He stops and stares, waiting for me to speak to him. I scoff in disbelief. The nerve of some people!

"Come with me; I want to talk to you for a sec." I forcefully grab his arm and drag him behind me as I walk down the hallway. I don't want him to run away because he's too scared. It won't be any fun that way.

When we reach a secluded area behind the school, I push him away from me, and he stumbles back. Smirking at the small triumph, I cross my arms and study him closely. Every time I see his untroubled face, I get annoyed. Even after almost tripping, it looks like nothing happened to him.

"Tsk. You're a horrible person; you know that?" He flinches slightly, and it fills me with motivation. "I can't stand you. You probably think you're better than everyone else, huh? Guess what? You aren't. Being so aloof doesn't make you look cool. You look stupid. The only reason people stay near you is that everyone pities you. Or because they want your money. You're a rich kid and get everything you want, don't you? You have to learn that not everything's going to go your way. What do you have to say for yourself, huh? Need someone to speak for you because you can't do it on your own?" I double over in laughter at my insult. I've really outdone myself this time. It felt so good to get that off my chest. I wonder what kind of face he's making now.

I stand up straight and look over at him. The moment my eyes meet his, the world seems to stop. In each eye, a light sheen of something wet coats the surface. Small tracks run down both of his cheeks as droplets fall from his chin. He's so quiet I almost can't believe he's close to sobbing. He stares back at me motionlessly, with that same blank look on his face. It doesn't seem as though he knows he's crying.

At my staring, he finally notices what's happening and furiously wipes at his cheeks. However, this only makes his tears fall faster. Realizing his efforts are in vain, he admits defeat by lowering his head and staring at the ground between us. He looks so broken.

"I didn't know people saw me that way." He spoke in a voice so quiet I could barely make out what he was saying. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I'm sorry for bothering you." After his short apology, he quickly walks off. All I can do is stand there and watch as his back disappears behind the wall.

Instead of making me annoyed or happy as I expected, a foreign feeling crawls its way up my back. I planned for this to happen; I got what I wanted, so why doesn't it make me happy? I finally got to see the most stoic person in class cry, but it makes me feel more uneasy than triumphant. What have I done?

(Written: 12/24/20)

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