Poem: The Nothing

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In this world, there is you.
There is your bag, your box,
your pocket, your purse.
There is your home, your house,
your cave, your crib.
There is your family, your friends,
your relationships, your relatives.
There is your light, your luminosity,
your stars, your sunshine.

In this world, your eyes can see
and ears can hear
and nose can smell
and tongue can taste
and hands can feel
and mind can think.

In this world, there is you and the Nothing.
The Nothing takes your bag, your box,
your pocket, your purse.
The Nothing takes your home, your house,
your cave, your crib.
The Nothing takes your family, your friends,
your relationships, your relatives.
The Nothing takes your light, your luminosity,
your stars, your sunshine.

In this world, the Nothing makes your eyes not see
and your ears not hear
and your nose not smell
and your tongue not taste
and your hands not feel
and your mind not think.

In this world, the Nothing devours you,
decays you, devastates you, drains you.
In this world, there is no more you.
In this world, there is only
the Nothing.

(Written: 2/24/20)

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