Short Story: A Stormy Night Soul

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The sky overhead swirls with various greys. A dark wave overtakes a light grey, and it's not long before the sky settles on a near-black color. The cobblestone streets below bustle with the noise of hundreds of people, each one in a hurry to get home before the rain begins. Fancy carriages arrive for their masters, and people clear the way for restless horses. In only a few minutes, the square is free from life. Even the previously lit windows and now closed storefronts seemed dead.

A single set of footsteps echoed off the brick walls, the simplistic sound unfamiliar to the quiet street. A sudden flash of lightning illuminated the hooded figure, their black cloak forced behind them by the wind. Their head is held high as they calmly walk in the center of the street. The crash of thunder that followed briefly drowned out all noise in the area. Undeterred, the figure walked on, driven by only one purpose; someone is going to die tonight.

(P.S: This is the short that is inspired by Black Butler the anime/manga.)
(Written: 1/7/20)

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