(PLATONIC) But we can try-Tubbo & Dream

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Type: Fluff & Angst

Request?: No

Scenario: Schlatt is forcing Tubbo to make a choice to kill Tommy or Wilbur. Since Schlatt and Dream are enemies, Dream has to meet up with Tubbo.

Fun fact: Dream and Tubbo at brothers :>



Slight mentions of killing.

Sibling bonding 😌💕

~{Third Person POV}~

Tubbo laid motionless on his bed, thinking over what Schlatt told him.

"Pick one. Wilbur or Tommy. If you fail to kill one of them, they will both die."

Tubbo could remember the wicked smile on Schlatt's face when he saw the fear and pressure in his eyes.

Tubbo shook his head backs and forth, hastily walking over to his Ender chest to find-

A book?

~[With Dream]~

Dream paced back and forth, checking his Ender chest ever few seconds to see if the book was back in there.

You see, Dream coded a small mod so he could see inside Tubbo's ender chest. After all he did create the server.

He placed a book in there with coordinates to meet up at, telling Tubbo to place the book back in the Ender chest once he's got a compass with the location on it.

'I hope this works..'

~[Tubbo POV;At the meeting place]~

I looked around the area warily, It was in the middle of no where being surrounded by thick trees and bushes. To say the least, I am scared out of my mind. I made sure to bring and ender chest with a few potions and weapons. My bees are in the trees, in the hives that were made inside the trees.

I flinched at the sound of foot steps approaching the area. I got out a diamond sword and my eyes darted around.


The footsteps came to a stop.

And from the trees and bushes, out walked a very familiar person.

I gasped. "DREAM!" I yelled, launching myself at him, he chuckled at my reaction, hugging me back before placing me on the floor and we both sat down.

"So how have you been, Tubbo?" Dream questioned, popping his neck before lazily drifting his eyes to me.

"I've been..fine I guess." I hesitantly let out. Dream hummed at my statement, shaking his head.

"It's the choice, isn't it. Its stressing you out?" Dream looked at me knowingly, his gaze holding sympathy.

I stiffened of the mention of it. But nodded at his guess nonetheless.

"That does seem to be a pretty hard choice to make." Dream said before continuing. "Tommy is your best friend and Wilbur's like a mature friend, or older brother." Dream switched his gaze to me for confirmation.

I nodded, before speaking. "I-I don't know what I'm supposed to do..I don't want either of them to die.." I softly said, wrapping my arms around my legs.

"Easy solution." Dream said, moving his head so I can see him.

"Let the rest of the Dream SMP and Techno help you. We can take you guys in, make you and underground base." Dream said, smiling at the thought of being able to see his little brother whenever he wanted.

"It doesn't work like that, Dream..he'll hunt them both down until he finds them and kills them.." I said, closing my eyes and burying my head in my arms.

Dream scooted closer to me, pulling me into a hug. He then looked up at the stars and the moon. Before saying,

"But we can try."

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