Chapter Six - Unlucky Mikan

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Ibuki POV: The weekend sadly ended fast, but was left on a good note. I mean, I got to hang out with Mikan! I honestly had soooo much fun with her! She was so sweet and shy and cute and-

I had completely forgotten about school. I was too busy sitting on my bed thinking about the fun activities I did with Mikan over the weekend. Then I realized..


I had to run over as fast as I could, and thankfully made it just in time for class. I guess I'm a pretty fast runner, and pretty lucky as well. I sat in my seat, right next Mikan. I turned to look at her and smiled. She returned a smile after seeing me sit down right before the bell rang. I realized that when Mikan smiled at me, I could feel.. butterflies in my stomach?

'That's strange,' I thought to myself. I've never felt like that before, so why now? I could feel my face slightly burn up, not enough for anyone to notice however. Ever since the weekend, I've been thinking a lot about Mikan and my chest would start beating when I think about her. I've never felt this way around other people, so why her?

Mikan POV: I listened to the teacher who was teaching us chemistry, and I was quite lost. I wasn't the best at science, I'm actually not really good at anything except when it comes to health and nursing. I looked over to Ibuki to see if she understood, but she looked like she was lost in deep thought. She stared down at her desk, her cheeks coated in a soft pinkish color.

I wonder what she could be thinking about..

------- Time Skip -------

Ibuki POV: Heck yeah, school was over! It had just been the start of the second week but it felt as if this school year has been going on for centuries! I walked outside and stood to wait for my bus, but something was different. I didn't have a good feeling. I always bumped into Mikan in the halls after school, but she was nowhere to be found. She wasn't even by the buses.

I let the thought go, however. I was sure she was alright, maybe she got stuck with one of the teachers or something.

I hopped on the bus and sat alone in the back seat. It felt a lot different not sitting next to Mikan, It was kind of saddening. I missed her.

After the lonely bus ride, I walked off toward my house. I ran in, shutting the door behind me and quickly headed upstairs. I jumped into my soft and warm bed, letting the heavy backpack on my back shift onto the floor. I clutched my phone out of the backpack and messaged Mikan to make sure she was alright. I was worried.

Ibuki: Hey Mikan!


Ibuki: Are you alright? I didn't see you after school


Ibuki: Hellooooo? Mikan?


That's not like Mikan, she always responded to my messages. I was getting worried. I just assumed she didn't check her phone. Maybe she left it at home?

I hope you're okay.. Mikan.

Mikan POV: "I-I'm sorry! I r-really am!"

I sat helpless against my locker, looking up at the girl towering over me. She stared down at me with a disgusted face as I trembled beneath her.

"You nasty pig barf!" She yelled. "You useless mistake! No one wants you here." An evil grin covered her face.

I fought back tears as her words stabbed through me, sharper than a knife.

"You have no one. No one will ever love you."

One fell.

"It's a good thing Mahiru isn't here, she would try to make you feel better in pity."

Two fell.

"I have Mahiru! Who do you have? No one!"


"No one will ever want to be with ugly pig barf like you!"


Soon, I couldn't hold back anymore. Tears streamed down my face as Hiyoko insulted me, like a river's water being forcefully pushed by strong winds, and nothing could stop it. She was right, I had no one. I was alone.

Hiyoko kicked me while my guard was down, making me whine in pain.

"Stupid crybaby. That'll teach you to stop bumping into me. Now I have to go, you're going to make me miss the bus!" I watched as she stormed off, her orange kimono floating behind her. I was frozen on the ground, helpless. No one was willing to help. I missed Ibuki.

I ended up walking home since I missed my bus, and arrived home late. Ibuki was probably mad that I wasn't there to sit next to her. No, she was probably relieved she didn't have to hangout with me, a lonely and pitied cry baby.

I had entered my house and walked up to my bedroom. I sat on my bed and was about to start my homework until I realized that Ibuki had messaged me, many times.

Ibuki: Hey Mikan!

Ibuki: Are you alright? I didn't see you after school

Ibuki: Hellooooo? Mikan?

Ibuki: Are you okay? You're worrying me :(

Ibuki: Mikan I'm boreddddddd

Ibuki: Please?

She was.. Worried about me..? I thought she'd be mad or ignore me, anything but worry about me. Without realizing it, I started blushing. My current expression had been replaced with a smile, and without thinking, I replied.

Mikan: Hey Ibuki, sorry for not replying

Ibuki: OMG Mikan you scared me! Where were you?

Should I tell her the truth..?

Mikan: I got lost in the halls, sorry


Ibuki: It's alright! Why didn't you reply to me though? :(

Mikan: I didn't see your messages

More lies

Ibuki: Oooh okay! At least you're okay

Mikan: Yeah!

I giggled. Maybe she did care about me. She was different. She was.. Special. I just have to make sure I don't mess up and lose her..


Hey guys, again I apologize that this kinda took long to write. School has been stressful, but I'm on break so I'll be able to write a bit more. 

Also thank you guys so much for 100 reads! I never expected this fanfic to get so popular, lol- I really appreciate the support, though, so thank you! 

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