Chapter Four - Messages

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Mikan's POV: It was only my second day of school, and I'm already making friends! I had just gotten out of my first period, and was walking to my second period. It was harder to find, since Ibuki was in a different class. I even got lost yesterday!

As I turned the long hall, I accidentally bumped into a girl with big yellow pigtails and a kimono. I tumbled to the ground as she watched, standing in front of me.

"A-ah! Im s-so s-sorry!" I squeaked, sitting on the ground.

"Hey, watch where you're going! You totally just bumped into me!" She yelled. She had an angry expression on her face, making me shiver.

"I-I'm really s-sorry! P-please don't h-hurt m-me!" She just stood and stared down on me, a smile appearing on her face.

"Hah! You skanky bi-"

"Hiyoko!" I heard someone yell from down the hall. "Hiyoko, slow down! I keep losing you." A girl with short red hair and a camera stood beside the girl, who I guess was Hiyoko.

"Oh my!" She said as she saw me on the ground.

"I-I'm sorry!" I said, picking myself from off of the ground.

"This filthy pig bumped into me!" Hiyoko told the girl.

"Hiyoko! Don't call her that! I bet it was just an accident." She told Hiyoko.

"I-I'm sorry, Mahiru.." Hiyoko replied, slightly blushing at Mahiru.

"I'm sorry about that." Mahiru apologized to me. "We should really be heading to class, it was nice meeting you though!"

"Y-yeah! I-it was nice m-meeting you too!" I said, slightly smiling. Mahiru waved, and the girls walked away from me, Hiyoko looking back to me and sticking out her tongue. I walked in the opposite direction with my head down, trying to find my next period. Thankfully, I made it just before the bell rang.


"Mikannn!" I heard a familiar voice yell down the hall.

"H-hey Mioda!" I turned to see Ibuki running up to me.

I blushed, realizing she had used my first name.

"You can call me Ibuki, you don't have to use Mioda." She smiled.

"A-are you sure..?"

"Yeah, of course! We're friends now, aren't we?"

I felt my heart flutter. What was this feeling?

"U-uh, y-yeah!" I smiled, feeling happiness I've never felt before.

"I can't believe it's already the end of the day, it felt like it went by so fast!"

"Y-yeah, it kinda d-does."

"Hey, I was wondering if I could get your number, so we can talk sometime!"

I felt my heart flutter again.

"S-sure!" I replied as she told me her number and I told her mine in return.

"Sweet! Thanks Tsumiki!"

"O-oh, you can call me M-Mikan!" I replied. "S-Since we're.." I blushed. "Friends!"

"Okay!" She responded. "Wait, are you alright, your face is turning red!"

"Y-y-yeah! I'm f-fine! It's j-just kinda h-hot in here..!" I replied, flustered.

"Oh, okay! Also, we should get going before we miss our bus!"

"Y-yeah, good idea!"

We ran out of the school doors to see our bus right in front of us. We hopped on and sat together in the back of the bus again as it drove us home.


"T-this is my house." I tell ibuki, waving to her.

"Alright! I'll see you tomorrow, Mikan!" She replied, waving and walking away. I looked away to hide the fact I was blushing like crazy.

She used my first name! I thought to myself. I walked through the door as my heart throbbed, closing it behind me and heading up to my room.

I jumped onto my bed, getting out books and papers to do my homework, but then all of a sudden, I heard a noise.


It was my phone! I reached into my backpack to grab my phone, realizing it was a text message. It read, "Hey Mikan, this is Ibuki!"

I blushed, remembering I gave her my number right after school.

"Hey Ibuki!" I texted.


Ibuki: What are you up to?

Mikan: Nothing, i'm just doing homework. What about you?

Ibuki: I was doing homework, but then I got bored so I texted you lol

I blushed and giggled from her response. Why did I feel this way around her?

Ibuki: I should probably do it though, or else I'll forget

Mikan: Hehe, true

Ibuki: I'll text you later! Cya!

Mikan: Okay, cya!

I shut off my phone, holding it close to my chest. I closed my eyes, feeling tired. I yawned, and fell asleep.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

I woke up to my phone ringing with messages from Ibuki. I realized I had fallen asleep! It was 2:00 PM, and I haven't done any of my homework yet!

I opened my messages.

Ibuki: Hey Mikan!




Mikan message me Im boredddd!

I giggled.

Mikan: Sorry! I fell asleep

Ibuki: Lol its okay

I smiled as I texted her. I talked to her for a while, feeling comforted.

Ibuki: Hey, do you want to hang out sometime? I'm free tomorrow

Mikan: Sure!

Ibuki: Okay! Where should we meet? I was thinking we could meet at around 3:00 PM.

Mikan: You can come over to my house, If you'd like!

Ibuki: Okay! I have to go do something, but I'll cya tomorrow!

Mikan: Alright! Cya!

I shut off my phone again, blushing. I would be meeting up with Ibuki tomorrow! I felt so happy, and couldn't help myself from smiling.

I put my phone in my backpack, and started my homework, thinking of what I could do tomorrow with Ibuki.

Introverted Love (Mikan X Ibuki)Where stories live. Discover now