A friend

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The next time he showed was two weeks later. One of his prey escaped and tried to seek refuge in my building again. It never works out as she stumbles on the last rotting corpse in the office area.
"someone help! please!" she screamed over and over again. It was usual, his presence wasn't and that made it all the better. Watching him hunt was a thrill to you. Seeing how he toys with his victims mentality and makes them believe hes innocent. At least, until the first strike. There's always one who never accepted his special candies. This one did though, and it showed.
She was wobbly when she walked as her eyes drooped. You watched from your corner as he approached her.
"now now now sugarplum, what did your mommy tell you about accepting candies from strangers?"he yelled from the entrance. It echoed and made her cover her mouth to not make any noise. She hid under rubble that her luckily thin body could fit under, it was decent sized too, covering her completely. I floated down onto the rubble and sat on the stone wall she was under. Waving at the monochrome clown that grinned back. "little dearie are you here? I love a good game of hide and seek!" he said looking around the obvious spots before stopping in front of the pile. I smiled and pointed below me. "sadly though," he leaned down for her to see his face. "I always win!"he dragged her kicking screaming body out of under the rubble by her ankle. He then threw her body at a wall, shattering her skull. He straightened himself up and turned to me. "hello little sweets, missed me?" I nodded and floated up to him. I looked up a note card that had a 10/10 on it and he laughed. "thanks sweets, I've been practicing my lines for something eerie-er." he said sticking a blow pop in his mouth.
'its better then last time I saw' I wrote on the back of the note card and handed it to him. You took the note card back and added on. 'you almost scared me!' You handed it back with a giggle. "aw now, you're just giving me a goal to get now." he said with a chuckle. "oh by the way, boss is wondering if he could visit, he wouldn't mention why though."
I tilt my head and scribbled on another note card that was blank. 'should I be worried? I know I can't die again but still' he gave a little chuckle as he finished reading and shook his head. "Nah, he didn't sound mad so I wouldn't be, I think I have an idea of what he wants but that's between you two since he won't tell us." He shrugged and smiled up at me. I nodded slowly and thought for a moment, floating down for a moment. My train of thought was interrupted by him waving Infront of me."anyways it's always nice to see ya sweets but I got a few more victims to hunt down before slendy does get mad." I pout a little and write on my note card.
'you just got here though :(' he laughs and pushes my card down a little, enough for my arms to drop by my sides as I pout at him. "I'll make sure to stop by after I get my hunts finished, and keep an eye out for slendy. He's really tall, pale and has no face, can't really mistake him for anyone else." I nod and gave him a psudo hug since I couldn't really. "See ya sweets!" He said and poofs away again. I float back up to the room I have and pin my note card against the wall. I keep the conversations that I have with jack on my wall, it's a good reminder that atleast I have a friend now.....a friend? Yea a friend.
I spin happily and grab another piece of paper to draw on,I might have to ask if he could get more paper and cards for me soon.

This has not been Betta read as I have been high and half asleep finishing this up

Stay creepy my friends

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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