Chapter 3: Just Keep Breathing

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Chapter 3: Just Keep Breathing.

4 weeks later...

Lexie slowly opened her eyes and was greeted by a bright light and a beeping noise. She could hear the voices of several people. As she slowly adjusted to her surroundings, she realized that she was lying in a hospital bed.

"Oh, good you are awake" she heard someone say.

Lexie looked up and saw it was Owen.

"What happened?" Lexie asked, a bit dazed.

"You suffered a lot of injuries from the plane crash and as a result had a lot of internal bleeding," Owen replied.

"What type of injuries?¨ Lexie questioned.

"Mainly just some broken bones in your leg and some tremors in your hand."

"Don't worry, you are going to have a couple of surgeries to fix your bones.

Lexie was taken to the O.R by Dr. Torres (operating on Lexie), Bailey, and a couple of other doctors.

Several hours later...

It was very late by the time her first surgery was over. All of the doctors had tried the best they could to fix Lexie's bones. She still had two more surgeries to do to fix her legs and arms. After the surgery was done they had sent Lexie to room; 304.

Lexie layed down on the bed, her head running wild like a computer on overdrive, memories from the crash were playing through her head. She was thinking to herself: I was just in a plane crash and I survived, Mark said he loved me and wanted to get married, I was crushed under a plane. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knocking on the door. She looked up and saw it was Meredith.

¨Hey," Meredith said, softly walking towards Lexie and pulling up a chair, so she could sit in front of her.

¨Hey," Lexie replied.

¨How are you?" Meredith asked.

¨I am doing okay, for someone who was literally crushed underneath an airplane," Lexie stated.

¨You almost died out there and it made me realize that I am very grateful to have you as a sister.¨ Meredith sighed.

¨Thank you,¨ Lexie responded.

¨I love you, Lexie!" Meredith exclaims.

¨I love you too," Lexie says.

They hug each other and Lexie asks,

¨So, how is everyone else doing?¨

¨Well, Cristina is currently in Minnesota; she suffered a lot of PTSD and wanted to get a fresh start. Derek can't operate since his hand is injured, and Arizona broke her leg and is going to therapy to fix it. And, well, Mark he was here almost every day waiting for you to wake up.¨

"I know," Lexie says, hesitating.

¨I mean, he said he wants to marry me and have kids.¨

¨Isisn't that good?¨ Meredith questioned.

"It's just that he is still with Julia, and I don't know what to do about that," Lexie states.

¨Well, if he is smart he will break up with Julia. I mean, the guy is head over heels in love with you.¨

¨Thanks, Mere."

¨No problem," Meredith replies.

¨Where is Mark right now?¨ Lexie asked.

¨He went home to freshen up and take a quick power nap. Should I page him?¨ Meredith asked.

¨Yes, that would be great," Lexie replies.

Meredith pages Mark.

Mark is laying down on his bed thinking to himself about everything that has happened in the span of the last couple of months when all of a sudden he hears his pager go off. He sits up and reaches for his pager and reads it. ¨Needed now in room # 304¨ Mark quickly dashes off to the hospital. When he arrives at the room, his mouth widens forming a smile, when he sees Meredith and Lexie talking and laughing. He interrupts them and asks them if he can come in. Meredith then asks Lexie if he can come in. Lexie replies, ¨Yes, of course, let Mark in we need to talk after all." Before Meredith leaves Lexie to pick up Zola from daycare, Lexie requests Meredith to tell Derek that she wishes him good luck. She also asks Meredith to bring Zola before they leave. After Meredith leaves, Mark sits down in the chair in front of Lexie and says, "You know I meant everything I said at the crash."

"I know," Lexie says -" but it is just you are still with Julia and it is not fair to you or her.¨

¨Lex, I already broke up with her the minute I arrived at the hospital.¨

¨Really?" Lexie questioned.

¨Yes, really there is no one else I want to be with, but you.¨

¨May I kiss you, Lexie Grey?¨

¨Yes, you may Mark Sloan.¨

Mark kissed her slowly like they were the only people in the world. After all this time, the kiss felt magical. Lexie pulls away giggling, she is about to say something before Callie and Bailey come in. ¨I just came to give an update on you. So it looks like your legs healed pretty well after the surgery, but they are still very weak and you are going to need a lot of physical therapy to be able to walk normally again. Here is the bad news: your arm was really badly injured and we do not know if it will be fixed after you go into surgery." Callie says. ¨So that is why we have to get you into surgery right now for your arm," Bailey adds. The doctors wheel Lexie into the O.R to perform her surgery.

A few hours after the surgery…

The surgery was successful and fortunately, Lexie would be able to gain the function of her arm again, it would just take a long time and a lot of work to heal. It would be a journey of a thousand miles, but she was already one step there.

Thanks for reading! Please leave a review. I will try my best to update weekly. Sorry I did not update in like forever it is just my senior year of high school and I have been super busy with college applications, classes, clubs and tests. I am on break right now, so hopefully, I can update a bit more often. Thank You again!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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