Chapter 2: The rescue

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Later that day (night time)The Seattle six were stranded together with blood on their faces looking tired. Derek had joined them just after a couple of hours of Lexie's rescue. Arizona was crushed under the plane but she was near the group. All of a sudden Leixe cried out, "I am thirsty, I need water."Mark saw the despair on her face and said, "I know , we all are".Lexie got her hands and pushed to it through her hair and then suddenly she remembered she had packed a 64 oz hydro flask and snacks in her backpack. " Oh my gosh, I just remembered I packed some snacks and water in my backpack. Meredith, do you think you could grab it. It's the big black one with polka dots and a bunch of silver chains with a Lilo and Stitch plush charm". "Got it", Meredith replied weakly. She passed it to Cristina who passed it to Mark. Mark propped the bag near him and Lexie. Lexie opened the zipper and pulled out the big stainless steel water bottle along with some granola bars,trail mix, chocolate and twinkies." It also appeared that she had brought some homemade bars. She pulled out her hand sanitizer and a couple of plates and cups. She looked up and everyone was staring at her shocked."What", she said."Nothing", they replied.Derek then asked, " Lexie, why do you have so many snacks and a huge water bottle?"" well this morning I barely had breakfast, so I packed some snacks and some homemade bars I made last night. The reason I have a big water bottle is, because one I hate using plastic water bottles since they are bad for the environment and two I like to being a lot of water when I go on trips just in case of emergencies like this one""Um, okay but when did you have time to make all of this?"He was quickly cut off by Lexie's voice who asked, " Are you going to keep on asking questions or do you want something to eat?""Eat", Derek replied."That's what I thought. ""Anyways everybody put some hand sanitizer on and then you can eat."Mark had to pass out the hand sanitizer since Lexie was unable to. After everyone was done putting some hand sanitizer on . They each poured some water into the cups and drank it."Ahh, that feels refreshing" Cristina said in relief. After everyone had drunk their water. They grabbed some snacks. Cristina and Meredith ate a granola bar while Mark , Arizona and Derek munched on some trail mix. Lexie of course ate the Twinkies.Mark pointed towards the clear blue Tupperware and asked Lexie "Hey , what are in those bars Lex"?"Oh well, the ones with the green flakes on top are pistachio oat squares, the red one is strawberry rhubarb bars and the last one is peanut butter chocolate cookie bars.""Yummy", Arizona shouted. They all ate one of the homemade bars. They were delicious of course.A few hours later after they had devoured the snacks they heard a siren. It was a helicopter. Help had finally arrived. The paramedics quickly took everyone to the helicopter and they flew away to the Hospital in Boise. When they arrived in Boise they were checked on. Unfortunately, the Boise hospital was incapable to help them so they were transferred to Seattle Grace where they would be taken well care of. It would be a long road to recovery, but at least for now they were okay.Author's Note: Hope y'all enjoyed chapter 2. tbh it was kind of a filler chapter not my favorite one, but I hopped y'all enjoyed it. Please review and share. I have a question for y'all, what do you think about the name Nathan.

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