Journal Entry 5

86 3 0

I walked through the front doors of my new high school, hiding who I really was behind beat up converse high tops, baggy skinny jeans, and a button up plaid shirt. Just like a boy.

My hair was short, yet shaggy, flippy, with long bangs. Typical skater dude style.

I walked down the hallway with my head down, a schedule I'd received earlier after meeting with my counselor was clutched in my hands.
First period, Early Childhood Education. With Mrs. Dunlap. Located on 200 hall.

Everything was easy to find, the school small and shaped like an I.

200 hall was located near the front and my class was all the way at the end.

The desks were set in neat, perfect rows, a black woman who I assmued was the teacher, sat behind a well sized metal desk, glasses perched on her nose. Typing away on her computer she looked out of place, too smart, too important, too official for this small brick cladden classroom.

She looked up as I approached her and said in a sweet, firm voice "Hello, you must be Caleb?".

I remember how I'd almost cringed and corrected her.

But I bit my tongue and nodded. "I'm Caleb."

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