Journal Entry 4

97 4 0

When I woke this morning it was snow. I never liked the snow to be honest. It was too clean, to flawless, to perfect when it first fell, and coated everything mockingly, as if to say I'm perfect and you're not.

Call it weird or dumb or whatever you wanna call it but it was just this feeling I had from the snow.

The skies were a light gray with only a teeny bit of sun peeking through the clouds, and it was so cold that your spit would freeze mid air.

And I had to get up and get ready for school.

This wasn't really anything new, tbh. Growing up in the coldest parts of New York, I always dealt with cold weather. But it still sucks.

And on top of the gloomy freezing weather was school. It all gave me the feeling that today wasn't gonna be a good one.

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