Journal Entry 1

167 7 2

My name is Camilla Reyes.'s not exactly my name name, as in the name my parents gave me when I was born. That name is actually Caleb. Caleb Reyes. Normally I'd introduce myself as Caleb, except for the fact that I despise my name, and I always have. I knew it from the very beginning. Ever since I could walk, talk, eat, comprehend the difference between male and female, penis and vagina, I knew I was different.

Not different in the way that I possessed some form of mutant power, such as the ability to fly, or to turn invisible. No, this was a different kind of different, a more common different than mutant powers.

I knew that I didn't belong in this body. Everything about me was just so...manly. I hated it. Ever since I could form a coherent thought I hated it.

And the worst part about feeling this way, is that I have nobody express my feelings to.

I mean my Mother already has so much to deal with, what with that cheating bastard I call my Dad, and the divorce, and having no way to support us.

How could I just simply walk up to her and tell her I hated my body? The answer is simple: I can't.

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