Chapter 11

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Brett knocks on Eddy's door and hears the playing stop. "Eddy, can I come inside?"

Eddy opens the door. "Sure, Brett, do you want anything?"

"Eddy, I have to ask you something. Please don't be angry."

That makes Eddy nervous. "Okay, I won't, just ask."

"Eddy, do you like me? As more than a friend, I mean."

Eddy is surprised. How the hell did Brett figure that out!? He has to lie and say no. "Umm no, I don't. Who even told you that?"

"Look, Eddy, it was Anna who sent that message earlier. She said she noticed that you like me and wanted to tell me. I just wanted to check."

Anna told him!? Why can't she never keep herself out of other's lives!? He's going to call her after he's done talking to Brett. "Oh, okay." Then he thinks: what would Brett even say if Eddy told him the truth? Would he be okay with that? He decides to ask. "Brett, I have a weird question. If I told you I liked you, would you be okay with that?"

Wait, what does that mean? Does Eddy actually like me? If he doesn't, why is he asking me a question like this? Yes, he would be okay if Eddy liked him that way. He would be fucking happy if Eddy liked him. "Of course, Eddy. I'd be your friend no matter what. Why do you want to know that?"

"I was just wondering, nothing much." Eddy forces a smile, hoping Brett will believe him.

He does not convince Brett, though. Brett just pretends he believes him while he is actually becoming more and more sure Eddy likes him back. "Well, I think I'm going to bed now. I'm sory for bothering you, I just wanted to ask." There is a visible smirk on Brett's face now, which he always has when he finds something entertaining.

Eddy notices that: Wait, does Brett know? Did I reveal anything? He pushes those thoughts aside for now and replies: "Great, I'm going to bed too. Good night, Brett."

"Good night to you too." Brett smiles as Eddy closes the door of his room. Now he's almost sure Eddy likes him back. Anna didn't lie after all.


Brett goes to his room, lays in his bed and turns off the lights. He decides he'll confront Eddy again tomorrow. And if Eddy still doesn't confess, he'll tell him first. They're not going to be those two friends who both like each other, but are too afraid to actually confess and get together. Brett's not going to be that stupid.

He has liked Eddy since he was a teenager. He knows that his feelings won't die if he waits for even a longer time. That just isn't possible. He has to tell Eddy while he still has a chance.


Meanwhile Eddy's in his room, lying on his bed. He's thinking.

Should I tell Brett? He said he would be okay if I liked him. Maybe yes? I can't loose anything. But Brett will look at me differently if he finds out.

He decides to call Anna. She told Brett about Eddy's feelings after all. If anyone knows about Brett's feelings towards him, that should be her.

"Hey, Eddy, what's up?" Anna answers, cheerful as usual.

"Anna, I wanted to ask you about what you told Brett earlier. Why did you do that?"

"Oh my god, Eddy! You can't be this stupid. Don't you notice anything!?"

Eddy's confused. What should he notice? Has anything happened? "What am I supposed to notice?"

Anna rolls her eyes, but Eddy can't see that. "I can't believe how oblivious you and Brett are. I know you both have feelings for each other. Why don't you just tell him!? Get together already!"

Eddy is dumbstruck. Brett likes him? No way. He has had many girlfriends over the past years. But Eddy himself did too. He tried to forget about Brett by being in relationships.

"But how can you be sure he really likes me?"

Anna rolls her eyes again. "I see the way you two look at each other; you love each other. Don't waste time, just tell him, please. I want to see you two happily together."

"Umm, thanks Anna. I'll think about it. Bye"

"Bye, Eddy."

Anna convinced him. He's going to tell Brett tomorrow right after breakfast. The sooner he does, the better.

(736 words)

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