Chapter 2- Disappear, Gather, Re-appear

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Robin's POV
After we separated, disappeared, from the older superheroes, we split up and searched for the kids and told them to find as many other kids as they could and go to Central Gotham. We decided that we should keep someone there to help everyone and put them into houses so they are all close to each other. We decided Artemis would be the one to stay because she is one of the best to deal with kids. M'gann was our first chose, but we needed her in the air with the few others in the air. Wally was also an option because of his fun personality, but he is the quickest, so he'll cover more ground. Kara was also a thought, but the more in the air, the better. So Artemis was the to stay behind. It took us around 2 and a half hours. We then head towards the middle of Gotham to meet up and head back to where we're meeting the others.
We arrive in 25 minutes and wait for the older superheroes.

Batman's POV
We arrive back at the meeting place to find the Young Justice League already there.
"Well, that's a first!" Clarke mutters only audible for us. Barry snorts in agreement, Dianne stifles a giggle and Jordan smirks. I only just manage to hold back a smile.
"How long have you been here?" Jordan asks.
"About 5 minutes," Connor replied.
"What do we do now?" Artemis asks.
"We find out who our villain is," I respond.
"It can't be Joker, he doesn't have the brains," I say.
"Riddler isn't the type of person, neither is Penguin and Catwoman doesn't have the motive," Barry points out.
"What about Two Face?" Wally asks.
"No, he doesn't have the right equipment," I say.
"Hey, Batsy?" Wally asks.
"Yes Wally?"
"Could it possible be that witch boy who never leaves his cat. What's his name again?" Wally asks, scratching his head.
"It's Klarion, Kid Idiot." Artemis.
"That's the name!" Wally exclaims.
"That's an option. Good thinking Wally," I say.
"That's a first," I hear Dick mutter to Artemis, M'gann and Conner. Artemis smirks, M'gann giggled and Conner snorted.

3rd person
The Dark Night glares at his adopted sidekick and the little Boy Blunder looks down, feeling slightly guilty.
"If it is Klarion, how are we going to stop him?" asks Dianne.
"Isn't he under 18?" Barry wonders aloud.
"I believe so," J'onn says.

Sorry that the 3rd person was short and that Batmans POV was longer than Robins but I ran out of things to write and I can't be bothered to even it out. Thanks for waiting for this chapter, school just started up again and I had homework to do and also I've been busy with my family so I haven't been able to write and post.
QOTD: Favourite movie? Doesn't have to be a superhero movie.
Mines probably... Ummm... Tbh, don't really know. I'm quite fond of a lot of movies.

Disappearing (draft)- A Batman & Robin fanfiction (completed)Where stories live. Discover now