Chapter 5- Alfred

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Robins POV
We had arrived about 5 minutes ago and now we were sorting out who did what and where. KF is running around and keeping an eye out. Miss Martian, Zatanna and Wonder Girl were up above keeping an eye out for threats. The rest of the team surrounded me and the stupid piece of equipment, weapons ready. I quickly look at it and work out where I could hack into it. I think of where Penguin would've put it. In the most obvious place. I quickly peel of the White paint, revealing a rectangle of steel nailed to the side of machine.
"How did you know it would be there?" Superboy asks.
"I didn't. It was a lucky guess," I reply, undoing the screws.
As soon as it's off, I examine the type of tech it was. A reasonable circuit. Quite simple to use, but takes a long time to stop.
"This may take a while guys," I say.
"How long?" Artemis asks, curiosity in her voice.
"Maybe 3 to 4 hours," I reply.
The team around me groan in annoyance. I smile.
"Guys, I'm joking. It'll take about 10 minutes." They sigh in relief, I laugh at that.
I start working on the pod thingy instantly. Zoning out, I don't realise that someone is attacking us until once the team has finished and someone is tapping me on the shoulder.
"Yeah?" I say, not bothering to turn to face them.
"Why didn't you help us?" Conner asks grumpily.
"Help do what?" I reply, not sure why he's so grumpy.
"Wait, you didn't hear us?" M'gann asks, she sounded confused.
"Hear you do what?" I ask, starting to get irritated.
"Some stupid kids decided to attack. Apparently the stupid Penguin decided to send some kids to look for this thing." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Artemis point to the machine.
"What of them now?"
"We took care of them," Conner says, cracking some bones.
"Do not worry, Robin," Kaldur says calmly. "We have tied them up and Wonder Girl is keeping watch."
"Okay, I, am, done!" I say, turning around. I see 20 kids tied up 15 metres away with Cassie standing over them. Wally was laying on the ground looking up at the sky, panting. The rest were on their feet, leaning on their knees, also panting. Kaldur was the only one who wasn't actually tired, well, besides from me.
"So, what happens now?" Artemis asks. As soon as she finishes, we start seeing the Justice League. They were a little blurred, but we could clearly see them. I walk over to where Batman was and looked to see what he was up to. I could see him stand a little straighter, and his muscles tense. He could sense that I was there!
"Guys!" I yell.
"What is it?" they all asked, worry in their voices.
"Batman can sense that we're here," I reply not taking my eyes off Batman's hands working.
"How can you tell?" Zatanna asks.
"He tensed when I walked over."
They start trying to catch their mentors attention while I watch mine work. Wait, if he could sense me, maybe he could hear me. I look around to see if anyone is listening. No one is.
"Bruce, can you hear me?"
Bruce looks around. "Dick?"

Batman's POV
"Bruce, can you hear me?" I hear faintly. It sounded like Dick.
"Dick?" I ask quietly, looking around.
"It's the other wire." I look down, Dick was right. If I hadn't heard him, I would've messed up. I go through with Dicks voice helping me out. Eventually I finish and turn around.
"I'm done," I say. All of a sudden, the Young Justice League start appearing next to their mentors, waving their arms at them and shouting.
"Woah!" scream the JL. The YJL stop and turn red. The adults start laughing at them. I turn and see Dick laughing at his team mates. I put my arm around his shoulder and he looks up at me, smiling.
We reunite the kids to their parents and head back to Mount Justice. We celebrate our win with a small party. By small, I mean a bit of music and some food and drinks. I stand to the side with the the rest of the JL while Barry and the kids party. It was pretty amusing to watch Barry attempt to dance quickly. His feet kept getting in the way. I think Wally also put his foot in a couple of times. After face planting 30 odd times, he came to his senses to not do it anymore.
"Aww, don't stop," Oliver teases. We all start laughing again. Well, all except me. I just smiled slightly. Barry goes tomato red.
"Going a bit red there, aren't ya?" Oliver teases again. Barry lunges at him, knocking him to the ground and shakes him. The other members of the JL a laughing and shaking their heads. The YJL I on the ground, rolling around and clutching their sides. I put my right arm around my torso and my left elbow rests on it. With my thumb and middle finger on my temples, shaking my head and smiling slightly.
"Idiots," I mutter.
"True that," Superman says, standing next to me and laughing. I start walking to the zeta beams. I feel a tap on my back. I turn to see Dick standing behind me.
"Where are you going?" he asks.
"I'm going to tell Alfred that we're going to be late home," I reply.
"Ok, come back soon," he says, then he runs back to the others and jumps onto Conners back. Conner starts running around with Dick laughing and holding on tight. I smile and continue to walk to the zeta beams.
The Batcave appears after a flash of light. I walk out of the zeta beam and walk up to the exit. I enter the house, cowl down. Wayne Mansion was quiet, too quiet. I put my cowl on again and sneak to the kitchen. Empty. I sneak to the garden. Empty also. Laundry, lounge room, my room. All empty. One last place to check. I quickly and quietly run to his room. It's empty. I call his phone. It goes to message bank.
The truth dawns on me just now. I rush down to the Batcave to see if he left any hints there. I move some stuff quickly. I just happen to look up at one of the screens in front of me. On it is a piece of paper, stuck with sticky tape. All that his written is 'JHPR'. I grab it and put it in my belt. I run to the zeta beams and set my destination to Mt Justice. I appear there in 1.2 seconds.
"Robin, I need to talk to you, now," I say urgently. He doesn't question, he just follows quickly. I lead him to a room where no one could hear our convocation.
"What is it Bruce?" he asks me.
"Alfred's been taken."

Hello again.
Thanks again for your help. *cough cough sarcasm cough cough*
I made this one long because it's my last chapter.
Well, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news first. ALFRED HAS BEEN TAKEN!!! Now for the good news. I've officially finished this story. I know it wasn't long, but I finished it. I have decided I'm going to write a second one to Disappearing. It's going to be called "Taken". It won't be out for a little while, though. I'll tell you guys when I put the first chapter out.
When will it be out, I hear you think (yes I can hear you thoughts. No, not really. That's what I'm assuming you're thinking!). It'll be out in probably two or three weeks, maybe later. I just want to do a couple of chapters before I release the first chapter. That's what I was going to do for this one, but I just couldn't help myself. In the next chapter thingy, I will put what Taken is going to be about. I just have to write it up first.
Well, later peoples.

Wait, I forgot something!
QOTD: Favourite song(s).
Mine's 'I Just Want To Be a Superhero' by Marvel, 'Mean Girls' by Rachael Crow, and 'Anti-Social Media' by Will Jay.
Don't worry, I'll continue QOTD's in the next book.

Disappearing (draft)- A Batman & Robin fanfiction (completed)Where stories live. Discover now