ASDF 1 (Ft. Piggy Authors)

672 9 4

Piggy Authors included in this episode:
LegionCypher85 (me)

Special Guest:
You (reader)
Mr. P

Now let's start.


Ink was humming a tune, while a sudden Jorge took grabbed something from his nose.

Jorge: hey Ink I got your nose.

Ink: ohhh.

And now Cypher busted in the door with a police uniform.

Cypher: look out he's got a nose!

'Bang' 'Bang' 'Bang'



Cypher: you gotta help me man. My tie is going to kill me.

As Ms. Doggo just stared at Cypher like if he was insane, and ran away.

Cypher looks at his tie.

Cypher: please don't hurt me 😟

The tie then laughed menacingly.

Scene Change

Y/n was standing next to a parking meter.

Y/n: hello parking meter.

Parking meter: hello.

Y/n just stares in disbelief.

Scene Change

Tiff was standing next to Sonia.

Tiff: hey smell my flower. 🌺

Sonia move closer and sniffed it.

Sonia: mmmm~

Not in a few moments a dinosaur puppet of sorts. Appeared on the side of Tiff's body.

Sonia: LOL

Before the dinosaur puppet returns to Tiff's body.

Scene Change

Ms. Doggo was standing next to a button. That says pointless on it.

She pushed the button. And nothing happened.

Ms. Doggo: hmmm.

Scene Change

Y/n was walking towards Cypher.

Y/n: hey man-

Then Cypher wacks his face.

Y/n: owwwww. What the hell is wrong with you.

Cypher: level up!

Scene Change

Sonia was struggling to get her purse from a robber.

Sonia: somebody help me I'm being rob.

Then Tiff appeared with a custom that has a T on it.

Tiff: I'll save you! Tree power activate.

Then Tiff turned into a tree. Yet nothing did happen.



Scene Change

Jorge was standing up pointing at somebody.

Jorge: die potato!

The camera pans to a miniature Mr. P

Mr. P: Nuuuu.


Then his remains spilled on his shoe there.

Scene Change

Ms. Doggo held a knife in her hand as she stare at the cake.

Ms. Doggo: mmmm~ yum.

She stabbed the cake. But then suddenly the cake screamed in pain.

Cake: AHHH! Why would you do this?! I have a wife and family!

Ms. Doggo: Nooooo.

Cake: the pain! Its unbearable!

Ms. Doggo: what have I done?!

The cake starts hopping at the edge of the table.

Cake: tell my children I love them!

Mini cakes: DADDY!

Then the cake fell of the table.

Ms. Doggo: nooooo-

Mini cakes: oooooo!!

Then the cake hit the floor its contents was spilled.

End of Episode 1

(Hope you guys like this mini episode. Have a nice day)

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