Christmas Special

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The American family was very busy this time on year. It is chaos on a daily basis, it's more chaotic around holidays.

"Hey Wyoming, watch it!" Rhode Island yelled to his little sister as she ran past him almost knocking him down.

"Oh sorry!" She said before running somewhere.

"Florida get your gator!" Minnesota yelled at one of her older brothers. 

"Oh, thanks what I was forgetting. Thanks sis!" Florida said as he ran to his pet.

"No New York it's mine!" Massachusetts shouted was he played tug a war with New York over the wrapping paper.

"No it's not man! I got it first!" New York yelled back.


Georgia hit her brothers him the back of the head. 

"There's about 30 other wrapping paper. Just get a different one!" She told them. New York mumbled something before letting go of the wrapping paper he and Massachusetts were fighting over to get a different one. Georgia sighed and walked to her brother Pennsylvania. 

"Why can't we be less chaotic for once?" She asked him

"There is 50 of us." Pennsylvania told her. "But this year is a little less-"

He was cut off by a crash by the living room. 

"Texas, Alaska! Stop fighting!" Connecticut yelled at the two fighting brothers.

"He started it!" Alaska yelled.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!" 

"Did too!" 

"Stop it both of you!" 

"Alabama stop doing that!" South Carolina yelled to the boy.

"Stop doing what?"

"You know what!"


"New Jersey! Your demon pet is trying to set the Christmas tree on fire again!" Indiana yelled to her oldest sister. 

"Well stop her! Me and Delaware are trying to cook!" She yelled back.

"No Hawaii, no pineapple on pizza!"  Virginia said to the youngest.

"Why can't I have pineapple on pizza but California gets to be on fire?" Hawaii asked.

"Wait. What?" 

Hawaii pointed to her brother who was on fire running around yelling.

"California no- WHY ARE YOU FIRE?!?!" New Hampshire yelled out to California.

"I'll get the fire extinguisher!" Mississippi shouted.

"Kids?" A tired voice said. All 50 kids stopped and looked at the voice. It was their Dad, America. 

"We were just making the Christmas party." Iowa said.

"I thought I told you kids you didn't have to. I'll do it." America told her.

"We know but-" Delaware tried to said.

"But you're so tried that we decided to do it!" Maine told her dad. America chuckled. He always loved seeing the states work together. Or, well, trying.

"Ok kids. But just to let you know that we can get a lot of presents this years."

"Ok Dad." Maryland told him.

"Just ask Santa to bring them all!" Montana said. America and the older states sighed.

(Christmas day) 

America more late then usual and noticed something weird. It was quiet. Very quiet. Usually one of the states would wake him up, but today he guessed. America walked down the long hall not hearing any of his kids. Weird. All of the lights were off downstairs leaving America more confused. But when he turned on the lights, he got a big surprise.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" The 50 states yelled to their dad in their pj. America was speechless. 

"I-I-I what in the-"

Washington walked to up to his dad.

"Merry Christmas Dad!" Washington said holding up a gift. America told it.

"Well what are you waiting for? Open it!" Oregon said. American open it gift, seeing nothing but a set of cars keys.

"Car keys?" He asked before hitting the button. Immediately, he heard a car doors unlocking. 

"You guys didn't." America said.

"Maybe we did." Nebraska said.

America ran to the front yard as the 50 states ran after him. It was a brand new car, a Bentley Flying Spur, one he always wanted. 

"Oh did you guys gets this?" 

"We pooled all of our money together. Well... The 13 colonies did." Nevada said.

"Well how did you guys know I wanted this car?" 

"Colorado and New Mexico was being sneaky and look into your room when you were at work and found your wishlist." Missouri said.

"It's was for a good cause!" Colorado said trying to defend himself.

"You kids are something." America chuckled. "Did you guys open your gifts?"

"No." Pennsylvania said. "We wanted to open your gifts first." 

"Well what are you kids wanting for? Go open them!" America said.

"Thanks Dad!" Oklahoma said as the kids ran to the gifts and the older siblings walked.

"Told you Santa would come!" Montana said.

"Sure you did Montana. Sure you did." South Carolina said.

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