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The small calico stood in front of a store that was on the outskirts of the town Cloud lived, staring at the sign and the name.

"Thomas's Whatever. Quite the... fitting name, I suppose. For some sort of secondhand store." Zephyr murmured to himself. Being bonded to the calico's soul gave him access to Cloud's memories, and something he managed to pick through for possible people to help further his plan was the store owner of the establishment, Thomas. He'd seen Cloud a handful of times in his life, and the two of them seemed close. It would be easy to pull his strings because he looked like his young friend.

It was such a shame though, he might not recognize the calico in the clothes Zephyr changed him into- Cloud, apparently, never wore suits, so he probably would stick out a lot. Zephyr thought he looked good though, so he couldn't pass up the opportunity.

The cat-dragon swung the door to the store open, listening to the soft ring it made when opened.

He smiled over to Thomas, who was sweeping the floor.

"Hello, Thomas. Sorry it's so late, but I felt like dropping in tonight." He tucked his hands into his pockets, his fluffy tail curling behind him.

"Oh, Cloud. Fancy seeing you around, kid, thought you were out with your friends tonight." The gray cat set his broom to the side, a crooked grin on his face.

"What brings you over this way anyway?"

The cat shuffled his paws against the hardwood and took a couple steps forward.

"Tonight's a special night for me, Thomas, did you know that?"

He watched the older cat's eyes flick around in the dim light, his amber eyes shining a bright gold. Zephyr knew what his magic smelled like, he had siblings with similar powers- electrokinesis, and quite potent, he could see. The smaller cat's smile went more crooked, his posture changing drastically.

"Tonight is the night the world changes for the better."

Thomas's tail puffed up and his ears drew back. He furrowed his brows and stared hard at the smaller cat.

"You..." His eyes sized up the other cat. "You're not Cloud, are you? You're somethin' else, one of the Colvi things, hm?"

Zeohyr's eyes flickered darkly at the remark.

"I'm not a thing, Thomas. I'm a god. I am made of pure magic energy that is significantly increased by the light of my Lady."

He outstretched his wings, fanning them out to their full length, and he moved in slowly.

"She's gifted me a variety of new powers, you see. Powers that I'm going to use to the fullest of my ability, because I can."

Thomas backed up away from his friend- or the creature that was wearing his little friend's face- and he pulled his lips back in a slight snarl.

"What the hell do you want with me then if the moon is giving you all of these powers?"

Zephyr's smile only grew wider, and he continued moving forward, eventually pushing Thomas up to the wall and closing the distance between him and the older cat. He leaned into Thomas's face and, just about a nose-length away from his face, he whispered.

"You're going to help me."

Zephyr watched the fear flicker in Thomas's eyes, and it made his tail curl in delight.

"Wh... What the... hell are you talking about?" Thomas breathed, his voice hitching in places due to his fear of the kid in front of him.

"You see, Thomas, my dear friend-"

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