Chapter 1

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Like I said, can't think of a proper title, so I'm open to suggestions.

"Any results?" A man says as the scientist next to him stopped typing on her computer.

"So far, we've managed to open a rift. Unfortunately, there's no way to see what world there is on the other side. Thankfully, this one seems more stable than the previous one. We can get the pod ready in no time. Is subject #37 ready?"

"We lost contact of her last test, remember?"

"What?" The scientist looked through her notes. "N-no, it's says #37 right here."

"Let me see." The man took the papers and looked at them. "Oh, sorry. It seems as though her papers got mixed up. We're sending #27 through." He says while handing her the correct notes.

"O-oh... Well, is HE ready?"

"He is on his way to the testing room. He won't be escaping this time."

As they were talking, two people in hazmat suits were dragging a boy through a hallway as he grunted in anger and annoyance. That boy was you

When you made it to the end, they pulled you inside and pushed you up to your feet before going and undoing the handcuffs you had on. The moment they were taken off, you shoved one of them and made a break for the door, only to be shoved down to the ground.

"Stay here and behave yourself!" One of the scientists says in annoyance.

"What do you want now?" You say back.

"That is none of your concern. Now keep your mouth shut and watch your attitude, young man."

"Fuck you! You'll get respect from me when pigs fly!"

You tried to run past them again, but they shoved you back once more.

"That's enough! You're going to stay in this room and do what you're told if you know what's good for you." They then go to the door. "So glad I'm not gonna need to deal with him trying to escape again." One says to the other, not too quietly.

"Excuse me!" You say in anger, but they had already left.

Then the speaker in the room came on as you looked towards the glass, seeing the other scientist and the man with a microphone.

"Subject #27. Can you hear me, loud and clear?"

That made you groan in annoyance. "My name is (Y/N)! Can we please stop with this Subject... whatever crap?"

The scientist gave me a disgusted look. "Very well, (Y/N). Would you please go and sit down in the pod next to you."

You looked towards where he said, and there was indeed some kind of giant pod thing in the room with a chair built in. Kinda reminded you of the ones from Dragon Ball. You looked towards them with a poker face.

"I'm not sitting in that pod thing."

"I understand that you're concerned, but we can assure-"

"Can assure me that there's nothing to worry about... you were gonna say that?" You say in a sassy tone. "You know that doesn't exactly help right? I mean, if anything it makes me even more anxious. What are you trying to do some kind of mutation test on me or some shit?"

"We will explain why you are here. We just need you to sit down."

You looked towards the chair then back to them. Back and forth before sighing and going over before sitting in the pod. The moment your ass made contact with it, metal binded your wrists and ankles, restricting your movement as you struggled to fight the metal.

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