6. Astoria

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A few more people had their turns when a quite girl asked, "Maybe I can try?"

Ginny looked up at her and smiled, "Oh, I didn't saw you there! This is Astoria, she is in a year below me. She helped us smuggle muggleborns and halfbloods out of Hogwarts. She is a slytherin you see, so teachers trusted her more than two blood traitors."

People said their hellos and some people thanked her for her help. She wasn't used to the attention, she didn't do any of it for the attention– she just wanted to help people. Harry noticed how all the attention made Astoria uncomfortable, so he urged Hermione to just start.

The familiar smoke appeared again. This time they were transported to a ball room, after looking around it was clear that they were in the Ministry of Magic, London. Astoria stood by the bar, wearing an elegant low cut green dress. Her hair were down and she looked like she had walked out of a magazine. She acted nothing like the shy little girl who was in the room, she looked bold and confident.

An older Harry was across the room and nodded at her direction, and she did the same. The older version of Harry went back to his conversation, Astoria was Ginny Weasley walk up to him and gently hold his arm, Astoria smiled and went back to her drink.

She turned to see a Draco Malfoy, the boy who made all the wrong choices, who was only out of Azkaban because his mother saved Harry's life. Everyone hated him, saw him as the bad boy or the evil incarnated. Astoria didn't. She saw him as Draco, just a boy who was few years above her.

She made a decision very long time ago to not judge kids for their actions during the war. Her own sister wasn't on the right side of history, how can she judge anyone else?

Something about Draco always attracted Astoria. Back at Hogwarts she was just a little girl with a crush on the bad boy, now she was a grown woman who runs her family business and is a successful person. Of she could fix her family name, why can't she fix him? Even just a little? Maybe just for a night?

Astoria walked up to Draco, he looked nervous, like he was waiting for her to say something nasty.

"I am not going to eat you, Malfoy." She laughed as she took a sip of her drink. "Unless that's what you're into."

Draco started coughing and Astoria thought she might have crossed a line. She had heard he sleeps around a lot, but maybe he wasn't just into her?

"I am sorry, I didn't mea–"

"It's okay, I just wasn't expecting that.", Draco said. "I am not into that, thank you for the offer tho."

Astoria left like the nervous little girl again, the one who would run the other way if Draco Malfoy even looked at her direction.

"How are you doing?", she asked, trying to change the subject.

"What do you want?" He sounded annoyed.

"I just wanted to talk to you."

"Oh so the great Astoria wants to walk all over the death eater. The boy who made the wrong choices, isn't that what they call me?", he was almost yelling at this point and some people started looking at them.

"Draco, I just wanted to–"

"What? Help me? Fix me? Please I have–"

"You seem drunk, let me get you a cup of coffee.", Astoria was suddenly very calm and assertive, almost like a switch flicked in her mind and she transformed into another person. "Or would like to stay here and make a fool of yourself?"

Draco looked taken back, Astoria wasn't mad or annoyed or even cold. She looked concerned but determined. He simply nodded and she took his arm and walked him out.

Draco suddenly saw her in a very different way, she wasn't the shy girl he could bully around or tease. She was beautiful and strong. Not that she was never not beautiful or strong, Draco added.

"Maybe we can get a coffee tomorrow and just go to your place?", he asked.

"I am absolutely not sleeping with an angry drunk man. If you want to even come near me ever again, you will come to me when you are sober, in control of your emotions and ready to be with an actual human being and not just want to fuck-buddy.", she said.

"Right, like the 'eating me' part wasn't you trying to hook up with me.", Draco said with a smug look.

"It was, it definitely was. But after that little show you put up, I don't find the idea of just hooking up with you very ideal."

"This is confusing. You don't like that i put up a show so you won't sleep with me but you will date me?"

"I never said I will date you, I said I will consider getting coffee with you if you put yourself together and act like a decent human being."

Draco nodded, he felt this unexplainable need to just marry Astoria right there and then, he couldn't explain it. It was nothing like he had ever felt before, he blamed it on the fire whiskey.

"I never knew you were so bossy."

"I heard you like them bossy."

"Are you flirting with me again?"

"Just stating facts, Malfoy."

He couldn't help but smile, he felt like a giddy toddler on Yule eve, "I do like them bossy."

After walking for a bit, he noticed they were in muggle London. Draco has never been to muggle world, his parents never allowed it and never had the need to be there. Everything around him was so strange, the lights were in different colors, the cars weren't flying, the people looked different and everything was so much brighter.

Then he realized something and looked at Astoria. She looked back at him and asked "what?"

"What is a coffee?"

ps: do not like draco, just doing this because valentinaRose123 requested it. you can request characters/ships if you go to the "suggestions" chapter ♡

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