5. Luna

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"Luna had twins but with whom?", Neville asked.

"Oh, I am not sure.", Luna said. "I cannot think of anyone in particular."

"Shall we find out then?", Hermione asked and Luna nodded. Hermione raised her wand and they had another peak in the future.

Luna was in middle of a forest, she was following a trail of a rare kind of spiders. They were so rare that people thought they weren't real and just myths. Even Newt Scamander has said that he doesn't think this spider is real, and if it was, it's most likely extinct.

Luna has researched them for months before realizing that all the scriptures and all the notes by people mentioned a place resembling the Amazon forest. After researching further, she managed to pin point a 100 mile radius where she could these creatures. Not much is known about these spiders, just that Merlin himself wouldn't bother them.

After almost 2 years of research, Luna went on her first trip to Amazon. She was within the 100 miles radius and was being extra cautious. She heard some rustling behind her and stopped in her trail. She swiftly pointed her wand towards the bush, ready to petrify anything she saw or apparate away. She quietly made her way towards the bush, not trying to terrify anything.

"Oh sweet merlin I am going to die!", she heard a soft whisper.

She titled her head trying to remember if it was hinted anywhere that these creatures can talk. She was sure it wasn't those spiders as they're native to this forest and it's very unlikely that they would know English of all languages.

"I won't hurt you.", Luna said.

"Are you a... human?", the voice asked.

"Yes and you are?"

"Scamandar, Rolf Scamandar!", said the voice. "I am human too! Please help! I am stuck in spider webs!"

Luna used her wand to vanish the bush and saw a man hanging upside down. She smiled and waved her wand. Rolf softly landed on the ground and he swiftly crawled away from the web.

He stood up and cleaned himself up. He fixed his trenchcoat and looked at Luna, "I didn't catch your name?"

"Luna Lovegood."

"Oh my merlin! The Luna Lovegood?", Rolf said. "The one who f-", with this he almost fell down again but Luna caught him.

"Yes, I am."

Rolf dreamily looked at her and said, "Your eyes... its like a lake shining under the full moon. It's like changing colours. I've only seen than in a...", he struggled to continue.


Rolf looked at her with awe and Luna smiled sweetly.

Luna then broke the silence and said, "I should be going. I am tracking the spiders who made that." She pointed the web in Rolf's hair which he quickly got rid of.

"Wait are you tracking the e-", Rolf started but was interrupted by Luna.

"Yes.", she said.

"My grandpa thinks they're extinct.", Rolf stated as he rolled his eyes.

"I know."

"Want help?", he smiled brightly at her.

Luna was hesitant but nodded, "Two heads are always better than one."

"Cool!", Rolf exclaimed.

"I think it's rather warm out here.", Luna said.

Rolf chuckled, "No, that's something muggles say- it's a slang of sorts."

"Do you have muggle friends?", Luna asked as she started walking.

"No, my Dad's godfather and uncle, Jacob, his family is very much into muggle culture."

"Tell me more..."

The mist cleared and everyone was at awe, Luna grows up to be this adventurous person who finds the love of her life by rescuing him in the middle of the most deadliest forest known to witches and wizards? Sounds about right.

Luna hummed and said, "He is a kindred spirit."

Ginny grinned, "You will have twins!"

"Oh, shut it, Ginny.", Luna blushed.

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