2. Ronmione

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"Let's start with you, Hermione", Ginny said "and Ron."

"Why us?", Hermione asked. "We are together, aren't we? Let's -"

"Hermione ans Ron sounds good.", said Harry.

Hermione rolled her eyes and waved her wand, "If you have to."

The room was engulfed with smoke and they could see a few people standing somewhere that looked like an open concept kitchen.

"Ronald, can you please make me some hot chocolate?", said the first voice. Soon the smoke faded and they could see a slightly older Ron making some tea and Hermione reading a book. "I am just about to finish this chapter, I need to know what happens with Annabeth."

"I will once I'm done.", Ron replied while humming to Candy Shop by 50 cent. "Is this tea suppose to look this white? Oh wait, I forgot to add the teabags."

Hermione shook her head and tried to hide her smile but failed. "You know baby Rose loves when her daddy makes hot chocolate for mommy."

Ron turned around and kissed Hermione's forehead before saying, "Well, looks like she is already a mama's girl."

The smoke covered the room again, and this time when it cleared they were back in the room of requirements.

"That was beautiful.", Ginny said. "You both have such a great future."

Hermione was dumbfounded, never in her life was she left speechless. "I think I would want that.", she whispered to herself.

"I think I would want that too.", Ron whispered back before kissing her forehead. "I think I would want that very much."

Harry smiled as he looked at the happy couple. He was scared, scared of the fact that he has very bad luck and there is a very high chance that he will screw up and die alone with no family, just how he had lived for so long.

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