3. Hinny

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"Well, let's see who Harry would end up with.", Romilda said.

"Who invited her again?", Ginny whispered to Hermione. "Well, she saw me inviting others and invited herself." Ginny rolled her eyes and sat straight.

"Come on?", Romilda barked.

"Why not we see who Neville ends up with?", Harry tried to change the subject.

Romilda scoffed, "Why? Are you scared you will see that your girlfriend is nothing but a gold digger?"

"I am sitting right here but carry on.", Ginny said in a low sarcastic whisper which made Hermione chuckle.

"How dare you.", Harry said in a low and angry tone which sent shivers down a few people's back. "She is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, and you of people don't get to say anything about my Ginny. You tried to give me love potion and almost killed my best friend in process, have you no shame?"

"I-", Romilda started but Harry spoke louder, "Let's see who I end up with."

Hermione nodded and raised her wand.

The clouds of smoke appeared and slowly disappeared again,

It was raining outside, and the calendar said it was June 29th 2002, a saturday.

"Oh, I am going to beat your arse in this muggle video game thing, Potter.", an older Ginny said.

"It's just super smash bros, my love.", Harry said.

"That's what a loser would say.", Ginny replied with a smirk.

Ginny was most definitely winning, even though Harry just got the game that very week, Ginny had learned almost everything there is. The game was released a month ago and after seeing how much Ginny moved muggle cinema, Harry knew she would love video games.

"Oh, you're on, Potter.", Harry replied.

Harry slowly but surely caught up with Ginny. "Who is winning now?", he commented.

"I'm pregnant.", Ginny said.

Harry stopped playing and looked at her, "No you're not."

Ginny grinned brightly as she won the game and turned to him and said, "No, I'm not."

Harry looked at the screen and realized what she has done. "You wicked woman."

He slowly stood up, Ginny knew where this was going and she started running up the stairs.

Harry laughed as he ran after her, he could've easily caught her but he let her run to the bedroom first.

Ginny realised what his plan was when he closed the door after he entered the room. Ginny laughed as she sat on the bed and said, "You pervert, you did this on purpose."

Harry took his short off while walking towards her and said with an innocent smile, "Did what on purpose?"

The clouds of smoke engulfed the scene again but Harry noticed older Harry get in bed with Ginny and his face turned redder than it was before.

"'Potter', Harry called Ginny 'Potter'", Hermione said with a smirk.

"They will get married in next 5 years?", Ron asked himself. "My baby sister would marry my best friend someday in next 5 years."

Harry's only thought was, 'I would have sex with Ginny, multiple times.'

Ginny on the other hand had million thoughts going through her head, "What was that thing we were doing before?", she asked Harry.

"I think that was a video game, I have seen Dudley play them.", Harry replied.

"A muggle thing then?", she asked. Harry nodded, "Yes."

"Huh, well at least I won.", Ginny said.

"You obviously cheated.", Harry argued.

"That's what a loser would say."

Harry grinned brightly, and people around them started chuckling and Romilda looked as if someone has punched her guts out.

Dean has moved on, and he realized that Harry and Ginny completed each other. He decided to just be happy for them a long time ago, and seeing that made hin feel better for his choice for not fighting for Ginny. He gave Ginny a nod which said, "Good luck". Ginny smiled back at him.

Ginny moved closer to Harry and cuddled with him, "No pressure, but we might have a baby one day.", she said cheekily to get a reaction from Harry.

"Yeah, we should start having sex soon.", Harry replied and Ginny chocked on air and started coughing.

Harry laughed as Ginny turned red, "Look at your face."

"I hate you.", Ginny huffed. "No you don't.", Harry replied before rubbing her back and kissing her head.

"I don't."

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