7. Dean

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The mist cleared up and everyone felt a little uncomfortable now. Astoria would end up with Draco Death Eater Malfoy? Someone who has hurt some people in that very room.

Ginny sensed the tension and nudged Harry, "say something" she whispered.


"Say something!"

Harry still looked as a lost and very confused puppy. Ginny rolled her eyes and said, "You literally just saw future Harry trying to get on with me and this is what makes you uncomfortable? Someone trying to change and help?"

That statement did not help at all, but at least now people were desperate to move on to a different topic.

"How about we see who ends up with me?", dean said.

"Great idea!", Hermione raised her wand before anyone can say anything and the mist appeared again.

Dean was wearing a very expensive looking dress robe. He was pacing back and forth, looking distressed. He sighed as he say a familiar ginger walking towards him. "Finally! You scared me, Potter!"

"I'm not that late." Ginny protested.

Present day's Harry's heart sank a little, 'What is my Ginny doing in his future?' He thought to himself. 'No, she would never cheat on me, she loves me. I can't lose the only person who has ever loved me- not again.'

The future Ginny looked beautiful, her dress somewhat matched Dean's. She hugged Dean and said congratulations. Harry just entered the scene with two kids with me. One was walking next to him, and a baby was sleeping on his shoulder.

"Isn't it a bit awkward? Your Ex being your best man?", Harry asked the two.

"Don't Mr sexist, potter. She is my best woman.", Dean said. "And how is Mr. Teddy doing?", he asked.

"A bit mad, da won't let me hold the new doll." Said Teddy.

"Your brother is not a doll, Teddy." Harry said.

"Then why does he look like a doll? Makes no sense!"

"You are absolutely right, Sir Ted.", said Dean with a chuckle.

"Please don't encourage that.", Harry sounded very defeated at this point, making the adults chuckle.

"How about my flowerboy and I go and do a final rehearsal?", Dean asked and offered Teddy his hand. Teddy looked up to his dad who nodded and he took Dean's hand.

"Flower throwing is very serious business.", Teddy said as he dragged Dean to down the aisle.

Ginny and Harry took their places. There was no bride's side, which confused some of our present day folks but made present day Dean realize what was going to happen.

'Seamus. It has always been Seamus.' Present day Dean thought. He was panicking, no one but Ginny knows that he likes boys. And he didn't even tell Ginny, she somehow figured it out on her own.

'What would people think?', Dean thought. 'What if they think I'm disgusting?'

"Stop." Present day Dean stood up and yelled again, "Just stop it. Hermione."

Hermione raised her wand and the mist vanished once again.

"Is everything okay, Dean?", Hermione asked.

"Yes, I just don't want to see who it is.", he said defensively.

"Mate, are you okay?", Seamus asked.

"Just stay the fuck away from me.", Dean said as he walked out of the room of requirements.

Everyone looked puzzled, leaving Ginny who was about to encourage Seamus to follow him. But Seamus ran after him before anyone could say anything.

"Dean! Dean! Stop!", he said as he caught up to Dean.

Dean didn't look at him, but Seamus knew he was crying. He always knew.

"What is wrong with you, mate?" Seamus asked.

Dean shook his head.

"You can talk to me.", Seamus tried to hold Dean's hand but Dean pulled away. Seamus was a bit hurt but he didn't voiced his feelings.

"Talk to me, please.", he said.

"It was you." Dean whispered.

Seamus understood what Dean said, and he now had tears in his eyes too, "Would that be so bad?"

Dean looked at him and shook his head, "You don't think I'm a freak?"

"Oh my merlin, you can you dumber that Potter sometimes." Seamus said as he held Dean's hand and pulled him closer.

"I like you Dean."

"Like like me?"

"What does that even mean?"

"Like me more than friends?"

"1) We are best friends. 2) Yes, more that best friends."

Dean chucked and nodded, "me too"

Seamus wiped Dean's tears and kissed his cheek lightly. Dean turned red.

"Would it be awkward if I kissed you?", Dean asked.

Seamus laughed and shook his head, "Good because I really want to. Since first year really."

Dean leaned in to kiss Seamus and for the first time, everything felt right to him. It felt like an eternity but Dean didn't want to stop, he had to tho because of the pesky thing called oxygen. He pulled away out of breath and looked into Seamus' eyes.

Seamus said, "Maybe we should find a room and see your future together? Just the two of us?"

Dean nodded and soon they both saw their own wedding, Dean noticed all her friends were there with them. He felt even more happy and relieved when he saw his mum. Losing his mum was his biggest fear, now he knows that at the end she will still love him and he has never felt so at ease about his future.

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