Chapter 6: Departure

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Daisy couldn't think of a single place she could go. The police sirens still ringed in the distance, and the sting of betrayal bit her like frostbite. She'd been driving aimlessly around the dark city for a few minutes, so instead, she went where her instincts told her to go, and they were leading her to Snake's place. It was probably a mistake to go there, but that was the only place where she felt inclined to go. She arrived at the large abandoned warehouse and swung open the saloon-style doors. Snake sat with a small cloth, wrapping things up.

"Snake, you gotta help me."

He turned at her. "What are you doing here? You're no longer welcome here."

"I know, but you've got to help me. I-I was framed for a crime I didn't do, and now I'm being hunted down. They're going to lock me up for good."

Snake looked unsympathetic. "I warned you this would happen. You should've known better than to trust that lawman Duke."

"Please, I just need to hide out here."

"Be my guest."

Daisy blinked. "Wait really?"

"Well sure. This place has no use for me anymore."

Snaked grabbed a few cans and wrapped them in the cloth. He loaded the cloth onto a runaway cart.

"You mean, you're leaving now?"

"I have nothing left for me in this city. I may not have the cash to travel for long, but I have enough to at least get out of here."

Daisy couldn't believe that Snake was actually leaving after all. He packed up a few more things, blew out his fire and hopped on his cart.

"Snake, you don't have to leave."

He didn't even turn around. "Goodbye, Daisy Kaboom."

He pressed down on the handles of the cart and wheeled his way out. Daisy watched him leave until he was completely out of sight. She knew that there was no way to bring Snake back. She sighed as she looked around at the dark empty place. Nothing was left for her other than empty crates and a clinging sense of loneliness. At least she would be hidden here; for now, that was good enough.


The sirens had just faded when Fendrich turned to Hacksaw, grinning. "Give me the treasure."

Hacksaw picked up the heavy treasure chest and heaved it onto Fendrich's desk. He watched as his boss laughed at his success.

"Vito, pass me the pliers," Fendrich said.

Vito handed him a pair of pliers, grumbling. He still seemed to be slightly angry that he had to dress up as Daisy instead of Hacksaw, but Hacksaw felt too uncomfortable with the whole plan to wear the costume.

Daisy was nice to them, and from what the boss told him, she was in a really desperate situation. Fendrich only saw her moment of desperation as something to take advantage of. It didn't feel at all right to Hacksaw. But he couldn't really share his thoughts or else Fendrich would certainly be angry, and Hacksaw didn't want to do anything to upset the boss.

He just wanted to prove to Fendrich that he wasn't useless, and that he was willing to do whatever was asked of him. But that made it hard when what Fendrich was asking of him was morally wrong. Sure, maybe stealing things was wrong, but that was on a completely different level compared to going behind someone's back and ruining their life.

Fendrich had taken the pliers to the lock of the chest and strained as he tried to get the lock loose. He eventually got it to budge and impatiently flung the top of the chest to reveal some shining door knobs.

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