Chapter 11: Machine

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Slight blood warning!

"What do you even want to do with a machine like this?" Dr Wexler asked in an annoyed tone. He worked at a desk with his legs tied to the chair. Dirty Duke had kidnapped him yesterday as part of his new plan. He'd needed to threaten a few people to get the doctor's address, but now that everyone knew Dirty Duke was back, there was no more need for discreteness. He'd also stopped by the junkyard again to collect scrap metal, and this time, he'd been careful not to be spotted. Finally, he'd kidnapped the scientist. Dr. Wexler's expertise was essential to Dirty Duke's new plans, but the only problem was, Dr. Wexler wasn't being so cooperative.

"You don't need to know anything. I just need to know you'll be able to build it." Dirty Duke said sternly.

Wexler rolled his eyes. "Well maybe if you tell me what you plan on doing, instead of being extraordinarily vague, I can actually tell you if that's possible."

Dirty Duke shook his head. "Nice try. Just build it for me, and you won't get hurt."

Fear flashed in Dr Wexler's eyes, but the scientist scowled, trying to hide it. "Okay fine. But lack of communication doesn't exactly promote scientific progress, so I don't know how well this will go."

"Look," Dirty Duke tapped on the blueprints. "You see this? All you'll need to do is follow it. That's it." Dirty Duke could feel his patience growing thin. "Now, tell me if it can be built."

Wexler narrowed his eyes as he looked over the blueprint. "So I see you wish to build a device that will create energy waves. That shouldn't be too hard to make. Only problem is, I'm going to need some actual tools, not just this scrap metal, in order to be able to build it. I sure hope you know how you're going to get those tools, otherwise this plan of yours is going to fail miserably."

"Have some more faith in me, Wexler. I'll be leaving in just a moment to find those tools. Just tell me which specific tools you need, and I'll get them. While I'm gone, look over those plans again. I don't want you wasting any more time. If I come back and find you slacked off while I was gone, the consequences won't be pretty. Understand?"

"Yes I understand. You make your threats very painfully clear."


Daisy was once again at the station. She wanted to keep on top of any news about Dirty Duke and help with the investigation in any way she could. Harl and Cluster stayed behind in the junkyard to take care of things and keep the crooks safe.

There was no real news of Dirty Duke's whereabouts so far, but Daisy had heard about the detective's investigation of Wexler's place. They found clear evidence of a struggle and a kidnapping, but no evidence that Dirty Duke had been involved. Of course, lack of evidence didn't dismiss the huge coincidence that the timing of the kidnapping coincided so well with Dirty Duke's escape.

A few weeks earlier, if anyone would have told her she'd be working closely with the police on a case, she would've thought they were out of their mind. Daisy felt uncomfortable and out-of-place as she aided Tom and Wheelie, but she wanted to help them find Dirty Duke as soon as possible. At first, they had been reluctant for her help, but they eventually gave in. She didn't want to miss out on any decision the head officers made. Although their primary reasoning for finding Dirty Duke was to prevent him from wreaking havoc, they clung on to the expectations that they'd also be able to bring Duke back.

She was talking with Wheelie and Tom when a dispatch call came over their speakers.


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