Chapter 8: Snowstorm

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Blood warning! Also, this chapter could be pretty triggering for some audiences because what happens is a potentially realistic thing to happen. Sorry for being vague, but I don't want to spoil it. If you have questions/ concerns feel free to contact me. 

Duke placed his journal on top of the clothes he had packed, then zipped up his suitcase. It was time for all the passengers on the ship to leave and return to the city, and Duke was surprised to find he'd actually enjoyed the vacation, and was a little sad it was over. But he was still as ready as ever to resume his duties.

He picked up his luggage and left his room, making his way to the people gathering around the off-ramp. Outside dark clouds formed overhead, bringing a cold wind with them. If there was a storm coming, it was probably for the best that they got off the boat.

Facepatch was out again shaking everyone's hands as they left. Once he got to Duke, he smiled under his mask. "Don't forget what I told you. Try to understand Daisy before making any judgments. And if you ever change your mind about that apprenticeship, just let me know."

"I will. Thank you, Captain."

Facepatch tilted his hat and nodded as his way of saying goodbye. Duke walked down the ramp to the docks and fought against the freezing wind to reach his car. He felt refreshed as he made his way back to the station.


Once he walked through the station doors, Wheelie came in on his skateboard.

"Bro! You're back! How was it?"

"It was actually pretty great, chief. The ocean is a calming place... most of the time. Any updates?"

"Don't freak out dude...but still nothing. But hey, since you seem to be in a better mood, you can go out and search for her again."

"Sure, I'll do a patrol around the city." This would give him the opportunity to find her, but he wouldn't arrest her right away; he would talk with her first, as Facepatch suggested. Maybe then he'd find out why she'd done it. It was important he try to find her soon, because if the others found her first, they might not give her the chance to explain herself.

Wheelie gave him a thumbs-up and let him leave the station. Duke hopped into his car and drove around. He visited the main square and downtown area, then drove by the fire station but there was nothing unusual. He continued his patrol, checking out any place he could think of. He even searched Tippy's old abandoned evil lair. But there were no signs of her anywhere.

Duke hadn't expected the search to go easily, so he kept looking. His searching eventually brought him down a street lined with stores. Harl Hubbs walked out of one, carrying some clothes.

Duke pulled over, rolled down his window and greeted him. "Hello, Harl. How are you doing? I see you just walked out of the--" he squinted at the building Harl came from. "The leather store?" He noticed the types of clothes Harl was carrying: a small leather jacket and some black leather boots. "Who are those for?"

Harl looked panicked. "O-oh! These are for... me! I want to start wearing leather." He struggled as he tried to put on the red jacket that was way too small for him. As he twisted his body awkwardly to fit into the jacket, Duke noticed the design of a bomb on the back.

"Is that Daisy's jacket?"

Harl cringed. "I... I'm not harboring a fugitive!"

Duke glanced to the sides to make sure nobody was around to overhear them. He lowered his voice to calm down Harl. "Please, Harl. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I just want to speak with Daisy, not as an officer, but as her friend. I promise I won't arrest her, and neither one of you will get in trouble. I understand that she was probably in a hard position with no options, so she turned to crime. I just want to speak with her. I'll give you all twenty-seven pairs of my handcuffs to prove I won't arrest her, just please let me see her."

Drifting Away // Lego City AdventuresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora