Chapter 2: Outcasts

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Duke was patrolling the city with New Car. Doing police work with his car partner made the job much more enjoyable, even when things were slow. Like today. The city seemed oddly quiet. There always seemed to be something, whether it was Hacksaw, Vito, Snake or any of the other crooks. Sometimes, a new criminal would catch Duke by surprise. He remembered Tippy and Chester Teagle, ordinary citizens who hid their illegal actions behind the scenes. Hopefully Duke wouldn't have to encounter any other unexpected criminals operating in the shadows.

Speaking of shadows, Duke saw movement in a darkened alleyway. He squinted through his sunglasses and saw Hacksaw maneuvering through the debris and boxes in the alleyway. That seemed quite suspicious. Duke backed up on the street so he wouldn't be in Hacksaw's line of sight. Hacksaw emerged and made his way towards the city park. He decided to follow behind Hacksaw to see exactly what he was up to.

Hacksaw eventually approached Fendrich's building. He looked around before entering, and jumped when he saw Duke. Guilt and fear crossed Hacksaw's face.

Now that Hacksaw knew he was there, Duke decided he would see what info he could get out of Hacksaw.

"Wow, Hacksaw. usually when I see you you're carrying a big bag of money."

Hacksaw shrugged as Duke got out of his car and approached him.

"So what exactly brings you to Fendrich's building?" Duke asked.

"I'm here 'cause I need to ask the boss- I mean... I just want to sell hacksaws to Fendrich." Hacksaw looked sweaty and nervous.

"Uh-huh. And exactly why would Fendrich need hacksaws?"

Hacksaw was even more sweaty and couldn't make eye contact. "Uhhhh, it's a good business tactic?"

Hacksaw always seemed to say strange things when he was talking about Fendrich. And he talked about Fendrich way more than what seemed natural. It seemed almost as if he were working with the businessman, with how much Duke caught them interacting.

A thought crossed Duke's mind. What if that was what was happening? Was it possible that the accusations Sinclair had constantly made to the police department were true? Was Fendrich a crook as well?

Hacksaw interrupted his conspiracies. "So, am I being detained?"

"Well, no..."

Before Duke could say another word, Hacksaw swung open the door and scrambled inside the building. So much for getting any more info out of Hacksaw. Duke thought about what he should do next. Maybe he should see what the chief and captain thought about Fendrich being suspicious.

He got into the car, buckled the seatbelt, and pressed the turbo button. He was simply too impatient to get around the city like any normal citizen. His car went flying up the side of a nearby building and he hurtled above the city. Traveling this way was much more efficient since he didn't have to worry about stoplights and lanes.

New Car landed with a crash right in front of the station, coming to an abrupt stop. Duke admitted that it wasn't his finest landing—he'd almost hit the station—but at least he was here. He shoulder-rolled out of his car and into the station and almost collided with Tom Bennett. Duke quickly stood up and smiled at the captain as a greeting. Tom did not return the smile. He had his arms folded and was slightly tapping his foot on the floor.

"Lieutenant. We need to talk about your driving. First of all, your landing just now was, well, alarming. Second, Tommy's foot is still recovering from you running over it yesterday, and let's not even bring up poor Garner. The people around you are not invincible, nor are you. I believe for everyone's safety, we're going to have to take away your new car. This car was gifted to you to make you a safer driver, but somehow it's not effective."

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