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' Hey guys, I'm back again and I'm ready to make some more Kataang so don't leave because I'm not gonna stop. Hope you guys like this part since it's going to be a long one.'

Aang's POV

" Man, this is so confusing" I said while looking at the map of the school.
" What's confusing?" A familiar voice said from behind me. I spun round and looked up at the man.
" General Iroh! I'm sorry, I didn't notice you." I said, nervously scratching the back of my neck. I did that a lot when I am nervous.
" It's quite alright Avatar Aang, but you seem lost." Iroh said with curiosity.
" Yeah, I am. Where is the water bending class" I replied back.
" It's just down the hall, and too the right."
" Great, thanks General Iroh" I said as I smiled and ran toward the class. Iroh smiled back in a friendly way before retreating back to the snack machine. I burst into the class and half-expected that the teacher wasn't there yet, but, of course he was.
" Your late Aang" The teacher said simply.
A - " Yeah, I know, I just got a bit lost,"
T - " Well then, as your punishment, can you tell me who invented blood-bending?"
A - " Ummm... I'm fairly sure Hama invented it, you know, she experimented on rats first before she....well used it on humans."
T - " know your history well, now, if you could sit in between Katara and Toph we can carry on the lesson.
A - "Okay" I said as innocently as possible. I can't be late for any more classes otherwise I'll start a bad habit and reputation, I thought to myself as I sat down.
T - " Well, my name is Master Paku and today we will be learning about the forms and stances on water bending." I sat down and tried my hardest to conceal my excitement since I realised I was going to sit next to KATARA!!!! I sat down on the seat (which was surprisingly soft and comfortable) and took out my textbooks. I was flipping to the page on water bending stances when I heard a voice next to me.
" Hey, I'm Toph and I just wanted to let you know your heartbeat is beating strangely fast..." She whispered while smirking.
" I...I..umm......I've never been to school before...yeah...that's it." I quietly replied while blushing.
" Suuurrrreeee.." Toph said sarcastically. I ignored her and listened to the teacher for the next hour and a half.

Katara's POV

Suki and Sokka were holding hands next to me while we were walking. Ugggghh, soooo OOGIES. Wow, I'm starting to sound like my brother. I looked at my timetable a saw that water bending class was the first class of the day. YESSS!!! I thought to myself. I loved water bending class since it was the only class I was good at. I was also a Master water bender, nearly at the same level as Master Paku. We walked to the class and sat in our new seats.
"I wonder who'll be next to me." I told Sokka.
" I'm next to you." He replied.
K - " Yeah, but I mean on the other side."
Suki - " Well just have to wait and see. "

* 5 minutes later *

Everyone was sat in their seats except for the seat next to me. I'm not sure why I was so obsessed with who sat next to me....maybe I wanted someone else to talk to.....or maybe I wanted to see a certain someone.....nooo I thought to myself, why would I want to see Aang. And what was the chances of him in the same class, and in the seat next to me. I kept telling myself this and tried to convince myself that Aang isn't in the seat and I should stop getting so hopeful. Just then, Master Paku came in and the door opening snapped me out of my thoughts.
Toph - " Someone on your mind Katara?"
Katara - " Whhhaaaaaaattttt.....noooo. Why do you ask?" I replied, blushing.
Toph - " Well, your heartbeat is beating pretty fast..." Toph jokes while smirking at me.
Katara - "''s just the first day back so.....I am pre-"
Suddenly, I heard the door slam open and a familiar figure came out. My heart was beating even faster now and I knew Toph could feel it. Well, at least I found an excuse to stop talking to her. That's when I realised.................AANG IS SITTING NEXT TO ME!!!!!!! I tried to stop blushing but I couldn't help it and everybody was too busy looking at Aang. I smiled at the thought of us sitting next to each other, but Aang had started to move closer to his seat. All I heard was him muttering something to Toph before he started to listen to Master Paku.....

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