A 'Friendly' Walk

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'Whatssup people, it's me again! I'm sorry if I haven't been updating for a while but I realised that there hasn't been enough adorable kataang fluff so just for you guys, this chapter is dedicated to Kataang. I know, I'm a legend. Anyway, there isn't anything I need to say so enjoy the chapter.'

No one's POV

Aang and Katara had been walking together in an uncomfortable silence. It wasn't like they wanted to leave, but it was weird. A few weeks ago Aang and Katara would be blushing like mad and no being able to keep their eyes off each other; but with tests coming up soon, they had been spending less time talking and more time studying. In fact, the whole reason they are out here in the first place is because Sokka and Suki practically begged them to stop studying. So, here they are, walking in silence, and lost in thought. Aang, being the optimistic one, wanted to start a conversation, but didn't know how. Well, at least without blushing a lot. Katara was thinking the same. After contemplating actually talking for a while, Aang finally decided to break the silence and opened his mouth to speak,

A - "Soo...sea prunes huh. I find them really... uhhh.. lovely."
Aang made a face as he awkwardly tried to help the situation, but it didn't make much of a difference really. He wasn't expecting much of a reaction, seeing as he literally was talking about sea prunes, but Katara caught him off guard. She giggled and patted his head playfully, shaking her head as she watched the poor boy try to stop the awkward tension in the air, which startled him. After seeing the cutest smile from Katara, he could feel his confidence rise for a minute, and his heart skip a beat.

A - "Ar-are you worried about the tests coming up soon? I mean, it's okay if your worried, all you have to do is-is just ask someone. I mean, it's not like I'm worried or something. Nah, I'm the Avatar, I'm never worried."
He scoffed the end, saying it rather quickly. Katara just tilted her head in confusion for a minute and Aang suddenly felt embarrassed for absolutely no reason.

K - "Aang? Are YOU worried about the exams?"
She said, raising her eyebrows. Aang couldn't be sure, but he could swear that he would rather be in Sokka's dirty laundry than have to talk about how insecure and nervous he's feeling in front of his crush.

And that's saying something.

Aang didn't reply to her question and just looked away, which seemed to only strengthen her argument.

K - "*sighs* Aang, it'll be okay, trust me. Those private lessons we've all been teaching you have really made improvements to your bending. And if you don't believe me, than ask anyone else."
She said while looking at Aang dead in the eyes. In a way, Aang knew she was right, but his mind don't seem to comprehend her advice. His teachers had been extra hard on him. Especially Master Jeong Jeong. Spirits, how he hated master JJ. He always made Aang fight in extra hard conditions; whether that be in scorching hot areas, or fighting a fire bender a year above him.
Aang groaned silently and looked away from Katara, who frowned upon seeing him so reluctant. Hesitantly, she reached out a hand and placed it on his cheek, making him look at her. The two teens blushed a little from the contact, but immediately regained their posture. Katara looked at Aang with pleading eyes, which was his only weakness. Damn it!

After what felt like forever, Aang finally gave in and confessed,
A - "I-It's just everyone expects great things from me and I just can't do that. I was supposed to contact Roku, but without Gyatso's help, I can't. Sozins Comet is only a year away and I know basically nothing! I just... I feel like if I don't do good in the tests, then everyone's gonna think that I can't do anything. Let alone save the world..."
Aang looked down at the floor, still feeling the warmth from Katara's hand radiate in his cheeks. Katara smiled sympathetically. She understood what he meant. But, he was acting irrationally.

K - "Aang... you're 16, nobody's going to expect anything from you."
She said, trying to put the right words into her mouth.
A - "Well that's a bit harsh."
Aang muttered under his breath, offended.
K - "What I mean is, you're too young to be thinking of all of these things. Sure, your the Avatar, but your still a kid. I'm sure everybody respects you for still trying to help save the world even though you're just a regular school boy. I mean...

That's what you are to me..."

She said, embarrassed, lowering her voice when she said the last part. Aang felt extremely flattered. This was the first time a girl, has ever said anything like that to him. He blushed at her, smiling softly at the cute girl's determination to help him. Katara took her hand away from his cheek, which both made them cringe and miss the feeling of their touch.
She was right.

Spirits, she was right!

What was he thinking?!? If Katara believes in him, than why can't he believe in himself? His smile grew wider, much to Katara's delight, and his confidence had seemed to be back where it was a few weeks ago. Always ready and energized.
Without thinking, he grabbed Katara's hand, and placed a small kiss on it, holding it softly like it would break if he moved it. He didn't know what came over him, but he certainly wasn't complaining. And, neither was Katara, who was looking away at a nearby store to keep her face away from Aang. Aang chuckled at the girl's nervousness, and kept walking, unknowingly still holding onto Katara's hand. However, this didn't become unknown by the water bender. She secretly glanced back at Aang, who was looking forward and humming a quiet tune. He didn't seem to notice that he was holding hands with her. And honestly,

She didn't mind it one bit.

'Hey guys, long time no see. I'm going to make these chapters shorter now mostly because I don't have enough time to make them. Anyway, I can't really say anything else except,
See ya!'

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