~11~ Feel Safe

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Emma's POV

It's been several weeks since Drew has been apart of
our family. He's fit in so perfectly, it's hard to imagine life without him. I swear he's the most spoiled baby. He's never put down. Someone is always holding him. Usually, it's Luke or dad fighting over him.

Luke is such a softy. He gets a bad rap. He always pretends to be tough. An ass. He's not, though. He gets his feelings hurt easily and things bother him easily.

The other day he came into my room. I was watching TV, and he flops down on my bed and puts his head in my lap. I'm watching I Love Lucy, and he says nothing as he watches an entire episode with me. I'm waiting for him to gripe about it, but he doesn't.

"Luke, what's wrong?" I ask after he's been in my room about half an hour.

"Nothing" he says, not even looking at me.

After ten more minutes I shut the TV off. "Talk to me."

He sighs and sits up, looking at me hard. "Am I a good person, Emmy?"

"Of course you are" I say, grabbing his hand. He almost looks like he's going to cry. "Why are you asking me that?"

He sighs and shakes his head, sniffing a little. "I overheard Kelly talking to her friend today. She said that I'm an ass, and it's a good thing I'm so hot, because that's the only reason I have any friends at all. I thought I had been pretty nice to her these last few weeks."

I squeeze his hand. "You were awful to her for four years, you can't expect her to be good with you after you've been civil with her for three weeks" I say as gently as I can.

He nods and sniffs again. "Have I really been that bad?" He asks.

I shrug. "You're great with a lot of people"

"Not what I asked, Emmy"

"You're not nice to people who aren't in your circle, Luke."

Luke nods. "I don't want to be an ass anymore, Emmy."

I smile and kiss his cheek. "Then don't be" I say simply.

He's really been trying hard lately...But sometimes it's too little, too late. Thankfully high school is just about over, and he can start fresh. Start over and be the person he wants to be.

I'm sitting here with a knot in my stomach this afternoon. I need to talk to mom and dad, but I know when I do, I'm going to get spanked. I don't want to be spanked. The last spanking I had was when I stayed out all night. I had promised myself that that was the last spanking that I would ever have....Now I'm going to incriminate myself. Why am I going to do that? Because I can't sleep. I'm feeling so incredibly guilty that I just need to tell them.

I finally get the courage, and I go downstairs to find them. Sasha is at the table, working on homework.
She's already back at school. She completely has her body back. You would have absolutely no idea that she just had a baby. She looks amazing. I'm trying really hard not to be jealous, but sometimes those feelings still creep in.

I go into the kitchen and find mom and dad kissing.

I stand at the counter, and clear my throat when it's obvious they have no idea I'm right here.

They immediately pull away, looking at me with a smile.

"What's up, Emma Kate?" Dad asks, wiping his mouth a little. The kiss was pretty intense.

"Um, can I talk to you guys in private, please?" I ask nervously.

"Sure" dad nods as he immediately starts heading to my room. I don't think any of my siblings have ever incriminated themselves before. I'm thinking this is a first.

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