Chapter 27

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The chase was on. Scalestorm and the other two storm dragons flew at top speed towards Ravenswood and the Dragon of the Ancients, positioning themselves such that the beast was surrounded on every side except the front--Scalestorm behind, Squall to its left, and Twister to its right. 

"Don't worry about us," Squall directed. "We'll hinder it and limit its movement. Focus on putting a stop to the Dark Raven!" "How are we going to do that?" Sally asked in a panicked tone. "We don't have anything that can stop his plan!" 

"Yes,  we do." Tobias replied, pulling out a familiar jewel from his pack. Matthew gasped. "The Dragon's Heart!" he exclaimed. "That's right. It was this gem that roused this monstrosity from its slumber, and it is this gem that will be its undoing." the Prince said. 

"Let me explain the plan. Scalestorm will deposit me onto the beast's back. While I deal with Ravenswood, you two will need to fly underneath the Dragon and point the Dragon's Heart at its core, which is the pulsing red opening on its chest. You must focus and keep the Dragon's Heart within range of the Dragon's core while the jewel charges up. Try to avoid flying out of range if you can. The gem's light will dim to signify that you are out of range."

"But what about you?" Sally inquired in a concerned tone. "Don't....worry about me. The Dark Raven has been immensely weakened by Matthew's earlier....incident. He shouldn't prove to be that much of an issue." Tobias answered.  "Now, go! I leave this final task to you. We must not allow Ravenswood to purge the kingdom!"

With that, Scalestorm flew on ahead and leaned in toward the Dragon of the Ancients' back, allowing the Prince to board. He promptly made his way to the head of the beast, where Ravenswood was. "RYKER!" Tobias cried out. "You have messed with me and my family for far too long. The time has must ANSWER for your crimes!" the Prince stated as he drew his sword. 

"You fool. Do you really believe that you have any hope of stopping what I have set into motion? Within minutes, this beast will be in range of the kingdom, and all you will have left to rule over is mounds upon mounds of ash." Ravenswood shot back. 

"Why....? What made you this way? You worked beside me during the kingdom's blooming years. We shed blood, sweat, and tears.......together!" the Prince grieved, on the verge of tears. 

"That may be true, but only you benefitted. Why should YOU, and you alone, get to reap the rewards and recognition of OUR labor?! I worked just as hard as you did, for nothing. You never even bothered to speak up for me once you realized it was happening! This very kingdom is an insult  to me, and it pains me ever so to glance at it." the Dark Raven explained. 

"Don't think I'm any weaker without the Star of the Shadows. You stole from me that which was supposed to be mine." For the first time, Ravenswood drew his own sword in lieu of the magical artifacts he had utilized prior. But his was swirling with dark energy, the runes inscribed along the blade glowing an eerie purple. "I'm going to ENJOY this." Ravenswood said as he took a fighting stance.

With that, the two of them both charged toward each other. 


"Squall! I don't think we're within range yet!" Sally called to the storm dragon. "No worries! I could do this all day!" said Squall as he flew closer to the Dragon of the Ancients' weak spot. After a short moment, the gem began glowing. "It's charging up!" Matthew exclaimed. "Now all we have to do is give it a few...." "Not so fast there, 'heroes'. You really don't value your life much, do you?" a familiar voice said. 

Within seconds, Morgan had teleported herself onto Squall's back. 

"What??? How are you here?!" Sally said in disbelief. "I thought Scalestorm had eaten you up!" Matthew added, just as shocked as his sister was. 

Morgan laughed. "Did you honestly think I would be so foolish as to put myself into such a vulnerable position? That individual you fought against at the top of Mt. Doom? That was just an illusion! A spell so expertly weaved by my hand! And you and your gutless Prince fell for it hook, line, and sinker." she said. "Now....." 

She twirled her staff and summoned phantom illusions of Grunty and Brimstone. 

"Let's finish this, shall we?" 

Dragon's HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora