Chapter 10

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After what had seemed like forever, the trio soon arrived at the shore of the Sea of Myras. To their right lay a den with several eggs in it. "If I were to take a guess, these are probably unborn versions of those storm dragons that Phlinx told us about shortly before our departure." Tobias commented. "But it does seem odd that they would be left unguarded." 

"That would be my doing, I'm afraid," said a booming resonating voice from out of nowhere. Almost as if on cue from Tobias' remark, a huge dragon-esque creature descended from the sky and landed next to the cave. "Greetings, travelers. I am Abraxas, one of the many storm dragons that inherit this region. These eggs that you have seen are my clutch, laid by my mate, Tanith." "Abraxas.....?" Matthew thought out loud. ".....Do you know anybody named Phlinx, by any chance? He instructed us to check up on your well-being should we come this way." 

"Ahhh, Phlinx......." Abraxas began rather nostalgically. "How could I not remember him? He was the one responsible for taking me in after my parents were supposedly wiped out in an accident. I do not know exactly what happened to them; I know only that they left to go on a hunt many years before, and never returned, unfortunately. I sat in that cave alone, exposed to predators for many weeks on end. We storm dragons may seem extremely powerful now, able to fly, command winds, and create tempests and severe weather at will, but we gain that magic over time, not all at once. I was barely able to summon a rain cloud back then. Miraculously, though, I managed to survive off of the little scraps of fish that would occasionally wash on this sea's very shores. 

Soon, a pygmy came to the cave and found me nestled amongst my other unborn brethren. He introduced himself as Phlinx, and effectively adopted me for quite some time. Even after he and his other pygmies had established the Cave of Riddles in that very system, Phlinx did not neglect me in the least, making sure I received all the attention and care that I required. Sadly, all good things must come to an end. As is with most living things, as time went by, I grew and grew. Soon, I could not even fit in the entrance to the cave, which made Phlinx's job rather hard. Eventually, him and I parted ways, but not before he gave me this." Abraxas gestured to a small necklace lying inside the cave, almost dead center. "This may not be the same cave I was found in, but the necklace lies in the very same position. A gift, he had said, to remember him by. I miss him dearly." 

"So.....what happened to your mate? Tanith, I recall?" Tobias asked. Abraxas sighed gloomily. "Sadly, she was slain very recently." "By who?" Sally asked. "Do you remember at all?" "Yes....I remember the whole scenario quite well....."


Two adult storm dragons, Abraxas and Tanith, gazed happily at their clutch of eggs, thinking about the brood that they all would grow up to become. Unfortunately, their exchange was cut short by four menacing figures. A dark lord, his two witches, and a lava golem whom they called "Brimstone". Abraxas spoke first. "Good afternoon, adventurers! How may we assist you?" "You can assist me by giving my crew and I safe passage across the Sea of Myras. We must be on our way to Mt. Doom with haste; we are on official business." the dark lord replied. Abraxas and Tanith noticed him at once. "Lord Ravenswood!" Tanith exclaimed. "What are you doing here?!" Before Ravenswood could think of a lie, Abraxas spotted the Dragon's Heart gem in Ravenswood's hand. "What....what is that?" asked Tanith. "Is that not the Dragon's Heart? The key to awakening the Dragon of the Ancients atop Mt. Doom? The very dragon that could bring about the destruction of this realm should it be allowed to go free?! How did it come into your possession?! You have a lot of explaining to do, you foul creature!" 

Abraxas lunged at him, but Brimstone jumped into action and quickly subdued the beast, not saying a single word. Grunty also made a move, ensnaring Tanith within an ice trap to render her unable to move as well. "Ensure that he does not get up, Brimstone," Morgan instructed. She turned to Lord Ravenswood. "May I have the Star of the Shadows, my lord? I should like to do the honors." "Certainly. Anything for my favored minion." Ravenswood responded, to which Grunty simply scoffed. Morgan began to approach Tanith, with Abraxas helpless to do anything. "On my path to becoming a seasoned witch, I have studied your kind---the storm dragons---on more than one occasion. I have learned that your species possesses innate magic abilities; the ability to fly and control the weather, to name a few. Now, we are only in need of flight....." Morgan mused, raising the Star of the Shadows and taking aim at Tanith with it. "But only one magical power does not seem enough.....I shall drain you dry." She said darkly as the Star of the Shadows began to glow. "NO!" Abraxas cried out, desperately trying to break free of Brimstone's hold. Within seconds, the Star of the Shadows had been filled with Tanith's magic. It glowed a dark purple once again, just as it had been when it was utilized earlier to break the Dragon's Heart's confines. Tanith, now greatly weakened, slumped to the floor of the cavern, gazing upwards at Morgan. "You....will.....never.....succeed...." Tanith muttered, the vitality fading from her eyes with every passing second. "Oh, we will." Ravenswood shot back. "We will see this kingdom burn. You, on the other hand, will not."

The Dark Raven unsheathed his sword, raised it above his head, and beheaded Tanith in one stroke. Without her magic, she was defenseless against his attack.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Abraxas cried out, heartbroken. 

"You have secured her magic, yes?" Ravenswood asked Morgan after the storm dragon had met her demise. "Extract the flight ability and enhance you, me, and Grunty with it. That way, we may yet reach the other side of this ocean...." He glanced over at Abraxas and Tanith's lifeless husk. "....despite the hindrances that we have faced here." "But what about him?" Morgan asked, gesturing to Brimstone. He then looked at the lava creature. "Golem, you will not be enhanced with the power of flight, unlike the three of us. Instead, you are to remain here and keep the dragon restrained until the three of us have reached the other side of the sea, just in case he attempts to retaliate. After we have made it, Grunty will cast a teleportation spell on you, so you can rejoin us." Brimstone nodded, understanding his charge. 

"Come." he told Morgan and Grunty. Before the three of them departed, he took one last look at Abraxas. "Take one good look at your pathetic, deceased mate. And soon, once we have reached Mt. Doom's peak, you will be joining her.

Lord Ravenswood left the cave with his two witches in tow. A few minutes later, Brimstone also vanished in a flash of light. 

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