Chapter 22

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Tobias immediately floated himself and the Glover siblings down to the ledge on which Abraxas had fallen on, and all three of them immediately rushed to his side. 

" long last I can be with my mate," Abraxas whispered softly. Tobias looked at the wound on the storm dragon's chest. It was deep, and burning almost irreparably. Knowing the dragon wouldn't make it, Tobias gave a simple reply. "Don't worry, my friend. We will all be okay. I promise you, although you may not get to exact personal revenge, we will end the Dark Raven's reign this day." 

"There more thing...." Abraxas said. He reached out his giant hand and laid a familiar-looking, star-shaped gem at the Prince's feet. "I managed to steal this from him.....he does not know it is gone....yet. Perhaps it can be of use to you....." 

Matthew gasped. "Isn't that the Star of the Shadows that Ravenswood used to deactivate the lock on the Dragon's Heart's case?" 

"And the one that you said he used to weaken Tanith?" Sally added. " is. Use this on him when the time is right, and your battle against him should fare much easier....." Abraxas responded. "At least with this last act.....I will have played at least some part in the Dark Raven's downfall....." 

The Prince gently took the jewel and placed it in his bag. "Thank you," Tobias said. "No.....thank you....." Abraxas responded. "What.....? Why us?" the Prince asked. 

"Before I met you, brave heroes, quite possibly the only positive interactions I have ever had the pleasure of going through all came from my mate, Tanith, before she was abruptly slain by Ravenswood. The other storm dragons at the cliffs did nothing to help me through my grief, instead ridiculing me for supposedly letting her die and also allowing the Dark Raven to get away. What I am saying is that you three have been a great light to my personal darkness. I die with comfort knowing that the Dark Raven's end draws near.....and don't worry about me not being there for your climactic battle.....with any luck, my reinforcements should already be en route....."

"Reinforcements? Abraxas, what do you mean?" Matthew asked him. But the storm dragon had already grown quite weak by that point. 

A short while later, Abraxas closed his eyes, his body dispersing into several small, light blue particles which drifted away on the wind. 


Meanwhile, back at the Sea of Myras, Squall, Twister, and Scalestorm, the three other storm dragons that had bullied Abraxas earlier, swung by his den in an attempt to pay him a visit. 

"I wonder what the little runt is up to now," Squall spoke up. "Probably still crying like a little baby," Twister added. "Hey, guys," Scalestorm called to the others from inside the cave. "I don't see him anywhere." "What?!" Squall cried. "Where could he have gone?" "I don't know, but I found this note by his clutch of eggs." Scalestorm carefully laid out the parchment and read it aloud to his friends. 

"Squall, Twister, and Scalestorm,

       I have been thinking very hard about what you three have condemned me for---Tanith's assassination as well as the Dark Raven's escape. And.....I have come to the conclusion three are right. At least to some extent. While I could not have prevented my mate's death, I now realize that I can not stand idly by while the Dark Raven attempts to destroy this kingdom. 

       You may remember the three heroes---or 'outsiders', as Scalestorm has ever so nicely referred to them as---that you saw earlier, accompanying me at the opposite cliffside. 

        I have ventured off to help them.

        I do not know if I will return or not---to say that the very environment of Mt. Doom and the other areas are perilous is a gross understatement. If I do not make it, I can only hope that you will see the error of your ways and find it in your hearts to take up the task of caring for my brood of eggs in my stead, at least until they are old enough to survive on their own. 

        Although there is no mistaking that you three have treated me with more bile and hatred than I would care to admit, I do genuinely believe there is good in you. Please reconsider. This kingdom will fall if Ravenswood's machinations come to pass. In fact, if you are feeling daring, come and assist us at Mt. Doom.


" gotta admit, the dragon has some guts," Squall said. "He really has his heart set on redeeming himself." 

"Not to mention that Ravenswood is one of the most magically adept individuals out there! For Abraxas to have the mettle to go against him is.....rather admirable." Twister spoke. 

"Well, he is officially checked out in my book," Scalestorm finally decided. "He wants to take down Ravenswood and avenge Tanith? Then we're  going to help him. I will admit, I never thought he would exhibit this much bravery.....his valiant act should not go unaided." 

"Come on, fellas! To Mt. Doom we go!"  

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