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-December 2001-

The crack of guns resounded through the air. 

Bullets flew to and fro, and many brave fighters dropped to the ground almost at the tip of a hat, carpeting the battlefield as far as the eye could see.

The year was 2001. In response to the devastating 9/11 attacks inflicted on the American populace, U.S forces began striking back. Retaliating against the Taliban would be no easy task, and, tragically, many people would die before seeing the outcome. 

George Glover was among the casualties. A valorous combatant, a family man, and a valiant fighter to the extreme; still, it was as if the war's appetite could never be sated no matter how long it lasted, and it took George with it. 

A letter notifying his wife, Anna, of his death was sent to his home in the state of Indiana. Upon receiving it, to say that her life had turned upside down would be an understatement. She fell into a deep sadness that never seemed to end. She would spend hours in the dining nook of her house, gazing at one of the last pictures she ever had of him. 

Her children, Matthew and Sally Glover, were heartbroken as well. Although they were still young back then, they always knew of their father's bravery via tales that Anna (and George himself, whenever he wasn't on an assignment) would occasionally tell them. It was a rather dangerous job, that one, and no matter how much death occurred out on the field, Matthew and Sally never believed that they would be affected in the slightest.

Until now. 

The death of George reaped massive effects on his family. Anna now had to work overtime in order to keep the household on stable ground, which exhausted her greatly. In addition, Matthew and Sally had to actively help her on a regular basis now that their father wasn't around to assist her anymore. Together, the three of them managed to get by for a long time. 

Our story officially begins almost nine years later, on a warm, flourishing March spring morning in 2010....

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