Chapter 2

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When they came to, the two siblings found themselves lying in the middle of a great field. "What.....what happened to us? What is this place?" Sally asked, feeling rather panicked. "I don't know, sis," Matthew replied, "but look! Over there! There seems to be a village nearby. Maybe we can get our bearings there. Let's hope the people are friendly." 

How wrong Matthew was. 

Almost instantly, after entering the area, a random civilian, who looked decently old, stopped them. "There they are!" He turned to the rest of the townsfolk. "I told ya, there be WITCHES around these parts!" he exclaimed. "Witches? Sir, we're not witches...." Matthew tried to protest. "Don't you young'uns lie to me!" he cried. "Unless my medication is getting to me, I swear on me grandma's desecrated grave that I saw you two falling out of some newfangled time-traveling vortex from the sky! Seems like an awful lot of hocus-pocus magic to me!" "I don't know what you're talking about, sir...." Matthew said quietly, almost at a loss for words. "Maybe that did happen, but it occurred before we woke up, so we didn't experience it." Sally suggested. "Well, either way, your kind is but a blight upon our lands here. A blight, I say! Witches be traversing all over these parts, casting spells, turning people to toads and whatnot." the civilian went on. "Papa, what are these two strangers doing here? Are they newcomers?" A young girl promptly exited the nearby house. "Don't worry, Penny, your father Jeffrey's got the situation under control," the old man said. "You just head on back inside the house now." Again, Matthew tried to speak. "Umm....excuse me. Penny, is it? this place, anyway?" "Why, you are in the humble village of Bradenshire, one of many settlements in the kingdom of our great Prince Tobias!" Penny replied. "Shhhhh! Don't tell them that, dear! These meddling miscreants are probably servants of the Raven, and--" Jeffrey suddenly stopped short when he saw the ruby in Matthew's hand. 

"Wh....where did you get that?!" he asked, sounding alarmed. "Oh, this thing?" Sally responded. "We found it in an old oddity shop back in our world. It was heavily contained, but Mr. Buzby let us have it." Jeffrey remained in stunned silence for several seconds. Then, he uttered one word. 


With that, all six of the knights that guarded the village's three entrances quickly descended upon the two siblings, lances pointed their way. "What's happening?!" Matthew cried. "Do you not know what you have in your hand?" one of the knights asked. "You hold the doom of our very civilization at your fingertips!" Another knight spoke. "We must take them to the Prince's castle at once, seal the ruby away again in His Majesty's secret chambers, and then imprison them for their attempted thievery. As long as they roam free, they are a liability!" "Agreed," said yet another knight. "The Dark Raven must never be allowed to get his hands on the ruby." "W-Wait! You don't understand! We don't know anything about this! We just want to get back to our own time!" Sally yelped. "Take these interlopers to the Prince. He shall decide what punishment is enough for these.....spies. No doubt they were trying to give it to the Dark Raven." Jeffrey instructed. 

With that, before the duo could argue any further, they were knocked out, tied up, and thrown into a cage that was on route to Castle Buckingham. 

Although they were unconscious, the six knights had, for some reason, allowed the siblings to keep the ruby in their possession during the travel. As they slumbered, they both heard a voice in their heads. It was as if the ruby itself was trying to communicate with them. 

Hello. The voice was decidedly masculine, yet also gentle, comforting, and assuring at the same time. 

Sally's thoughts were the first to echo out. Who are you?  She tried to ask. 

Perhaps in time, you will see. For now, just know that I am the ruby that your brother carries with him. 

The ruby.....talks?  Sally muttered. Indeed, I do. The ruby responded. Well....perhaps I should rephrase that. I am not the ruby itself; I am a spirit that has been sealed inside. 

Time runs short. I must speak with your brother as well. With that, the voice seemed to fade away from Sally's psyche. 

Hello there. 

What? What's going on? Who is this?  Matthew asked, sounding alarmed. 

I am a spirit that has been sealed inside the ruby that you and your sister have taken possession of. Listen closely. No matter what happens, you must make sure that this gem does not fall into the hands of the Dark Raven. 

If the evil one gets his hands on it, and manages to accomplish his plan, this land is doomed. 

I must go away again. You are approaching the castle. 

Wait!  The two siblings called out, almost at the same time. We need to know more!

Just as they came to, a knight opened their prison door. "You are to make your way to the Prince's throne room at once. You will be overseen by a group of guards, to ensure you do not try to run away." 

Having no choice, and still wondering about the spirit inside the ruby, the siblings set out for the throne room. 

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