chapter three - a trooper's betrayal

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Something in me led me towards the quarters of Captain Phasma.  I knew there was something bothering her about that trooper on Tuanul. I passed two stormtroopers keeping guard as the doors opened before me.

Phasma was inspecting the blasters from the stormtroopers that took part in the attack on that town. 

Captain Phasma's quarters were quite similar to those of mine, except everything was chrome, like her armor. She had inspection areas and personal command centers with officers ready in case she needed to make an order to her stormtroopers. I don't think this woman ever slept. Her area was definitely not a place of rest for her.

"Everything in order, Captain?" I hesitantly asked. 

"Not quite," she responded in her robotic voice, similar to Kylo's. "It seems that FN-2187 did not partake in today's attack." 

I sighed, "Well, I guess he should be confronted then." 

"Right away, Samoria Corr."

"Phasma, hang on." I said as she stopped in her tracks, "Let me speak to him. I felt conflict within him. I need to straighten this out on my own. I hope you understand."

"Absolutely, Samoria. Is there anything else you wish to discuss with me?"

I didn't visit her quarters often, so it wasn't a surprise that she expected me to ask about something else. Even though the stormtrooper was my main topic to discuss with her, I had the strangest feeling that I could not explain.

"Phasma...there is a disturbance within me."

"Explain." Phasma said as she motioned for me to sit with her.

I smoothed out the thin, black skirt of my dress as I took a seat, "I feel like it has something to do with Kylo."

"You believe he is in danger?"

I struggled with my explanation, "It's not necessarily that. This...thing is the reason for his danger."

"This has to do with the Force."

"Yes," I sighed. As much as Phasma was an excellent person to speak with about issues, I knew her knowledge of the Force was not as great as mine, so she wouldn't know what to say if the conversation continued on.

I stood up and rested my hand on her cold, armored shoulder, "Don't worry about it. I will speak to the Supreme Leader about it. Get some rest. It's been a long-"

Red sirens suddenly went off as an alarm sounded. I raced to one of Phasma's officers in her personal control center.

"What's going on?" I yelled. 

"An unauthorized TIE fighter is trying to leave the naval bay."

Immediately, I knew who it was. But the worst of it all was that he had a pilot. 

A Resistance Pilot.

"Shut the entrance to Naval Bay B at once."

"We're trying to get in touch with the Finalizer's naval command center, but we-"

I was already out the door on the way toward the Naval Bay. I heard Phasma's loud footsteps behind me, giving orders to the stormtroopers to follow her. When I reached the area, I saw the TIE fighter desperately trying to escape, but the safety cord was still connected to it. Stormtroopers were trying to shoot it down with no success. I saw Poe trying to gain control of the ship and escape, along with a helmet-less FN-2187. 

Rage filled my entire body. I looked up to the control center and saw Kylo and Hux through the glass windows trying to resolve the situation. 

"Close the damn entrance, you idiots!" I yelled out. 

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