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most people's favorite season is summer because of the warm weather and all of the fun activities you can participate in but eden's has always been winter. ever since she was a toddler she's loved to run around outside in the rain while the rest of her family would stay inside cuddled up under soft blankets and warming up next to a fire. she simply could not understand how people could get "seasonal depression" during the colder months of the year.

eden was eleven years old when she realized she was a pluviophile. another thing about her, she loves learning new words. her curiosity got to her one day and she decided to research if there was a word for someone who loved the rainy, cold weather as much as she did. and sure enough, there was.

she sort of floats under the radar since she is homeschooled. not many people in her town know she exists because she chooses not to attend events that would introduce her to people her age.

a little background on eden, she is sixteen years old. her birthday is september 28th. she lives with both of her parents and her younger brother. she is extremely addicted to coffee. eden is an ambivert. she is very indecisive. and finally, she worries too much and overthinks things.

she is the type of person who could be having the worst day but would still be selfless enough to make sure that everyone around her was ok.

because eden is the oldest child, she has always felt the need to impress her parents which proves to be a difficult task seeing as they tend to favor her brother. it didn't matter how much higher she would score on tests or how many chores she picked up around the house, she could never please them.


the one thing johnny orlando disliked more than anything was rain. he felt that it was crazy that people could enjoy something that left your clothes all soggy and made you cold.

johnny is extremely extroverted and is incredibly friendly. everyone knows him but only a few people really know him. his friend group has been together since kindergarten. everyone thought of them as the 'golden group' but if they were being completely honest, none of them really understood why.

unlike eden, johnny has never felt the pressure of trying to please his parents. he was always a hard worker and did pretty well in school without feeling the need to impress anyone.

he has three sisters which makes for an interesting home life but surprisingly, he gets along with them a lot better than most brothers and sisters do. another thing about johnny is that he's such a momma's boy. any of his close friends can attest to that, and as much as he denies it, deep down he knows it's true.

something many people don't know about johnny is that he is very insecure. it's easy to put on a mask and fake confidence when that's what you're known for. so far no one has been able to see past his façade beside his closest friends and he intends to keep it that way.

𝐏𝐋𝐔𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐄, johnny orlandoWhere stories live. Discover now