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"I...am so sleepy."

I feel around and it seems I'm in a bed.

"Belphie? Lucifer? Anyone?"

No responses.


I decide to slowly feel around and drop from the bed and feel my way around the room.

"This is definitely Bel's room."

But I felt sleepy still....I went back to bed.

"Clara?" I heard Bel say faintly.

"Bel........Bel!" I slide out of his bed.

"I missed you too. I just got back home with my brothers, we went somewhere." His voice growing closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Where did you go?"

I feel him gulp hesitantly.

"You found them...didn't you?"

"Yes we did. You don't have to worry about them anymore." He lets go and turns me around.

"What...did you all do...?"

"It's best if we don't talk about it." He said softly.

"Perhaps. I'll believe you did right by me Bel." I smile and kiss his cheek.


"Clara..." *blush*

(So cute...)
"Do you want to come to the common room? All of my brothers are there and we could talk." I scratch the back of my neck.

"That would be lovely! Let's go."

I take her arm and escort her.

In the common room:

"Clara! How are you feeling hon?" My brother Asmo was back to himself in such a short time.

"Better thank you, I suppose rest was helpful." I help Clara sit on the sofa.

"Is my bed comfy?" I smirk and playfully ask.

My brothers glanced at me, but then didn't expect Clara's response.

She smiled, "Yes, but I bet even better with you in it."

*heavy blush* "Oh, so you think you're funny huh." I flush embarrassed.

"Belphie you're blushing! Haha!" Levi laughs covering his mouth.

"Hey no fair she gets to sleep in your bed." Mammon huffed.

(Typical Mammon.)

"She's quite the character." Lucifer sips tea.

Satan held a book to cover his face and quietly whispers only for Lucifer, Asmo, and Levi to hear, "Yeah and I know Belphie has a massive crush on her."

"What was that Satan?!" I yell still flustered.

Clara chuckled, "Bel your family seems lovely."

"Pfft-i don't know." Mammon started, "we can be a little chaotic."

Lucifer sighs, "That's an understatement."

"Then it's perfect." Clara smiles.

"You really are interesting Clara. I'm happy you are here." Beel says munching on some snacks.

"Aww thank you Beel! You are so sweet."

I smile at her and take her hand and put it to Beel's hair. "Go on and pat him, I know you want to."

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