Reaching out to you.

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Clara's POV:

"Bel, may we write to Celestia? I hope to reach my friend through a baker there."

"A baker? Would you happen to mean Luke?"

"You know of him?" My voice became hopeful.

"Mhm, we know anyone of the royal family in Celestia. Sir Luke is King Michael's apprentice and pastry chef. He is the only one with his own shop. With him around there is no need for anyone else. Luke is truly a good baker. He's only so good because Barbatos taught him." He chuckled.

"Barbatos taught Luke to bake?"

*nod* "Luke and Simeon are royals who visit us once in awhile for exchanging goods. Luke was so intrigued by Barbatos and his kitchen skills. Luke was good before he met Barbatos, but Barbatos truly helped Luke hone his talent for baking."

"Wow! So could you send word for me then? To Luke."

"Certainly. What was the girls name?"


"I'll be back wait here Clara." He puts his hand on my shoulder for a moment and slips away.

(He's kind.)

I smile to myself as I feel the silk sheets once more as I slide down to the floor. My feet feel the coldness of a tile floor.


I start to feel around the room hoping not to bump into anything. I feel until my hand comes to a round knob that feels connected to a wardrobe.

"Let's feel what's in here." I pull it open and throw my hands into it feeling soft hung clothing.

"Ah ha. I can get out of this dress." I pull a random set out.

I worry not about finding the bathroom. I'm too lazy to try and find it. I start to untie my corset.

(I'm having so much trouble reaching though...)


"Need help Clara?" Lucifer knocked as his voice grew closer.

"Ah, I suppose I do. I let Belphie go write the letter for me."

"I see. I'm back with the dresses, but you can try them on later...May I?"

"Yes please untie it for me." I move my hair out of the way.

"You have very pretty hair Clara. It reminds me of someone." He starts untying.


"My late sister Lillith. She had long beautiful hair as well. Tell me you know of a Lillith?"

"Ah yes my caretaker. She is a lovely woman. I think of her as my own mother."

"I see. Has anyone ever told you you had beautiful hair Clara?" I heard him walking away and nearing again. A brush now being combed thru my hair.

"Lilith did. She always tried describing myself to me. I could never picture no matter what we went over. She always had a way to make things sound lovely though. That's what I liked about spending time with her. She didn't make me feel any less."

Lucifer stopped brushing and I heard the brush hit a surface. Most likely a dresser.

"Maybe some day I could meet her?"

"I'm sure she'd be honored to meet the King of Devildom." I genuinely smile slipping the sleeves off my shoulders.

Lucifer cleared his throat, "No, it would be my pleasure. I'll excuse myself if you can handle the rest from here."

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