New start

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Third person's pov-

Two weeks have been passed since Win was working at Mr. Wat's mansion..... Win was not facing any kind of problems and win was feeling very happy because when he works there is no one to disturbed him..... So he was doing everything in his way.....
His duity everyday-
Making breakfast
Then cleaning everything
Then making lunch (he ate his lunch at office )
Then taking care of the garden
Next he takes a tea break
And at last he prepared dinner and then wash the dishes and his works end like this everyday....

Now it's 8:40 pm at night.... Win was preparing dinner.... As win like to make food so he changed Mr. Wat's food chart and Win added healthy buy tasty foods with it and for his surprise Mr. Wat didn't mention anything about food... Like he forgot about his food chart.... So win was really happy with this change....

Suddenly The door of the mansion opened by Uncle Henry but he was not alone.... There was two more person with him...... One of them Win didn't know who he is him and the other one was Mr. Wat...... Uncle Henry and that unknown guy was helping Mr. Wat to enter the house..... Win can see Mr. Wat was in a bad condition..... On his head there was a deep cut..... His white coat was coloured by blood ..... He was even facing some problem while walking that's why uncle Henry and that guy helped him.

Win rushed to them after seeing them like this he was really surprised.... He asked uncle Henry about what happened to Mr. Wat.... Then uncle Henry explained him.....
Mr. Wat had an accident when he was waiting for his car to came back in his house an unknown car suddenly appeared in front of him and that car was the reason of his accident
....... Win didn't ask much more he asked uncle Henry about the doctor's number and after that he called the doctor for Mr. Wat......

After the doctor treated Mr. Wat , win can see Mr. Wat is feeling better... Still he needs to take rest.....
The doctor speaks gives Win some medicine for Mr. Wat and told him to take care of him.....

Win was feeling sad after seeing his master like this...... He asked him about the dinner and Medicines.... Because Mr. Wat needs to take those and he needs to eat before this......

Mr. Wat -

"Win you can serve my dinner in my room "

Win was shocked because it's the first time Mr. Wat was talking with him by calling his name.....he didn't think about this day will come that his master will call him and talk with him like this... Because after started the work here win thought this smug faced person will not smile or talk with him.... Win was even preparing himself for not smiling in front of him.... But all those thoughts of him erased today in a blink of his eyes because Mr. Wat was smiling while talking...... Win's heart beats really fast after hearing him out and after see his smiling face Win can't control his eyes and he was staring at Mr. Wat's smile without blinking......

Mr. Wat -

"Win..... Can you serve my meal here? "

"Ahhh ahh sure sure...... Sure sir.... ".

After that win came in front of Mr. Wat's room with a tray......
Then he knocked on the door and after approval he enter in his room.

He placed the tray on the side table and when he was planning to get out from the room Mr. Sarawat speaks out.

Mr. Wat-

"Win can you help me ... My hand are scratched.... I can't eat like this".


" Yes sir... "

That was the extra shock he was having for Mr. Wat.... Then he carefully feed him him the dinner and after that he even clean his mouth and give him the medicine.

For this work Win can see he missed today's bus because everyday his bus came at 10 pm and now it's 10:30 there is no chance he can go back to his home by that bus......

Mr. Wat's pov -

I was feeling like a happy child because someone treated me... Though I need to asked about this 😒.... But still it's enough for me...... It was so funny when I called win that time by his name... He was dumbfounded , maybe he didn't thought about me.... I was really happy that I started talking with him..... He feed me when he feed me I can see his cute little bunny teeth because whenever he tried to give me a spoon of that meal he also open his mouth to signal me 'open ur mouth ' ..... He is really cute 🥺 ..... But now it's 10:30 he can't go at night without that bus... Yeah I know about the bus obviously because I'm connected with that company under which Win is working...... So I made a plan and I told him to stay here " .

Third person's pov -

When win was thinking about how to reach his home... Suddenly Mr. Wat speaks out....
Mr. Wat -

" Win u can stay in my place... Today
.... It's getting late and there will be no bus for u.... So stay here.... And about staying u will not any kind of problems....... U can stay at guest room there u will find every necessary things for urs " .

Win was thinking but his thoughts get interrupted by Mr. Wat's proposal..... And a return of shock he was facing right now......... He didn't utter a word he also feels like staying here...... Because he was so tired and he wanted to sleep.....
And then he said good night and went to the guest room......

It's the next morning.... Win was on the bed of the guest room.... He open his eyes and suddenly he realized he was not at his home ... He was in his master's mansion..... He get up from the bed because it was 6:30 am he knows Mr. Wat is in a sleep.... So he takes the chance and went to the garden to have fresh air and also he wanted to see those flowers....

While he was exploring those beautiful flowers  and smiling at them.... He realized someone was watching him..... And for his next surprise it was not anyone else but........ Mr. Sarawat...

𝕀'𝕞 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕡𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕒𝕤 𝕗𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕒𝕤 𝕀 𝕔𝕒𝕟...... ℍ𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘....

𝔻𝕠 𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥...
𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ☺

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