The party (1)

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Third person's pov -

After Fong searching about Mr. Wat on the social media and on the other websites.... But can't get a single information about him..... Win told his best friend Fong to give up, because win doesn't want to search about someone behind his back... So he cut the call .

Today was a new day for Win and Mr. Wat... As usual Win was doing his job and Mr. Wat was getting ready for his office..... Suddenly Mr. Wat called win by his name because he wanted to tell something..... These two become so close in just a month... Both of them feel good and comfortable in each other's presence.
Now they don't need to communicate with each other through the telephone☎ .... Now Win don't need to take permission before doing anything.... Everything become normal and they made a bond with each other.

Win was waiting for Mr. Wat because Mr. Wat called him for something to tell.....
Mr. Wat -

" Okay win so I need to discuss something with you.... Tomorrow I'm going to throw a party in my house.... But I'll be engage with my work in the office .... I contacted the decorators they'll come here tomorrow by 11 am... You just need to check after they organize everything ... If something is missing plz call me. "

Win -
" Okay sir don't worry I'll do everything ".

Mr. Wat -
" No you will not do anything.... You'll not go near those decorators, they'll organize everything.... Don't go near them, don't talk with them, and after they complete their work you'll give me a call that everything is done..... You just need to do that. "

Mr. Wat -
"And one more thing... You need to bake some cookies..... I really want to eat those.... So involve yourself with the work tomorrow...... I'll tell uncle Henry to check on them time to time.... You just need to give me a call after everything is complete.... You understand....!!! Keep my words in ur mind... "

Win -
"Okay sir 😶".

Win was kind of confused after what Mr. Wat told him.... He didn't understand why he ask him to not go near to the decorators.....

Win -
" What's wrong with this Mr. 😶. "

Today Mr. Wat came home earlier than his usual time..... After coming home he went to the kitchen he knows that he will meet his favorite person in the kitchen.... Win loves to cook so usually he spend his most of the time in kitchen.... Nowadays Mr. Wat's kitchen room and fridge is full with many types of cookies , cakes, bread, jams , cupcakes and all of these were made by Win........ Win was preparing everything for today's dinner.... Suddenly he feels cold breath on his neck..... He looks back and in front of him Mr. Wat was standing...... Win release a deep breath because he got scared........

Mr. Wat -

" Win are you okay.... Did I scared u 🥺? "

Win -
" No sir I'm fine.... Actually I was doing my work with all my attention into thisso I didn't notice you came to the kitchen.... I'm fine sir..... Sir today you come home really early.... Is there any problem? "

Mr. Wat -

" Yes.... I mean no there is no problem 😅 ..... Actually tomorrow is the party so I want to buy some clothes and I wanted to ask u to come with me to shopping.... "

Win -
" Ouuu.... But sir I need to prepare dinner for you..... "

Mr. Wat -
" It's okay we will have dinner in a restaurant.... Let's go.... U need to help me to choose. "

After that they both went to the shopping mall .... Again Mr. Wat was the driver.... Whenever Mr. Wat went somewhere with win, he drives by himself...... Today he did this again.....

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