The party (2)

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Win's pov -

As I take a step into Mr. Wat's (master's) mansion every single person there were looking at me.... There gaze was making me feel uncomfortable.... I thought maybe they didn't expect a maid like me in this party..... But Mr. Wat told me that he invited me as his guest so I'm here for him..... I finally saw him.... He was staring at me like this is the first time we are meeting.... Mr. Wat was looking so damn hot and handsome at the same time..... He was really giving a model vibe, if he wasn't a businessman then big big model agency will contract him for modeling and I'm preety sure he will end so many hot models carrier just by his appearance...... He came in front of me... He was smiling at me.... He was really happy I can see his face glowing while looking at me.... Obviously he will be happy , today is a big day for him....... But one thing I didn't understand why he was glancing at me all the time while talking with the other people..... Is there something wrong with my dress or something wrong with my face... Now I'm feeling really nervous.... Why all the people here staring at me and same goes to Mr. Wat.....
Suddenly I saw a familiar figure coming towards me..... Oh my God isn't it P'jennie.... I was thinking about doing my job under her...... After that day( job selection) I went to my home and I saw her on TV then I became her fan.... She is not just a good actress she is an entertainer also.... I just like her character so much........ But why she is coming towards me 🤔...... Suddenly she appears in front of me and speaks out after clearing her throat....

" Hey aren't you Nong Win? "

I was shocked.... This famous actress p'jennie know my name.... Whatt.... Really 😶😶😶😶 .... I hurriedly replied her....
Win -
" Yes... P'jennie... My name is Win.... But phi how do u know my name.... An famous actress like you how can u know someone's name like me ? "

"Nong Win u might don't know but i selected you from the maid website.... The time I saw your profile I was fangirling over you..... Nong believe me you are so beautiful and cute.... That day I saw you on the website but today I'm meeting you in real life..... You don't know how famous you are. "

Win -
" FAMOUS..... Me 😶😶😶😶.... What are you talking about phi...... I'm just a normal maid working under Mr. Wat.... I think you mistaken me with someone ".

" No way nong win I'm talking about you..... You were selected by 5 masters right? "

Win -
" Yes phi. "

P'jennie -
" I was one of them but this Asshole Wat snatched you from me 😑😑😑😑..... I was the second one who choosed you..... There was also this rules like if the maid is choosed by multiple Masters then he or she can choose his or her master by itself...... But this Asshole Wat he literally change the rule by giving Mike death threats..... He is really something.... Now I know why he did this.... He has is own reasons 😏😏😏😏.. "

I was clueless.... What is she talking about..... Death threats for P'Mike..... Rule change.... Wtf is happening... Aghhhhhhh I'm so confused and what does that mean, 'Mr. Wat has is own reasons'.... What fucking reasons he has!!!!!!!! I want to solve this... I have to ask her.....

Win -
" P'jennie I'm extremely sorry but I didn't understand.... What all this... I mean why Mr. Wat gave P'Mike death threats... I mean was that because of me ? "

" Yes nong yes.... Okay let me help you to clear everything....... First of all your so called Mr. Wat literally called us and told us that he wants you as his maid... That time I thought he really needs someone.... But when Mike told him that you choosed someone else and you rejected him he literally gave Mike death threats I was really confused that time..... But today all my thoughts and question get the answer..... He likes you nong Win.... He likes you a lot.... I never seen him doing something crazy like this for someone.... He was literally waiting for you to see you.... When I first came into this party he was looking like a walking dead but after u enter and he saw you.... His facial expressions change in the speed of light and he was smiling like a fool..... Obviously he is fool there is no doubt about this....... Just look at him... You are talking with me but all the fucking time he is staring at u...... Look how possessive he is... "

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