let's meet Vachirawit

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'Hahahaha so our Vachirawit is here..... So our plan is successful '

Joss laughed while saying this. He was on the floor because of Mr Sarawat..

Mr wat -
'You are laughing you asshole, you are laughing.... After tricking me.... You know what you will get to trick me.... Death and you use my husband for this..... '

Joss -
'Wait..... Before my death I want to share something with your beautiful husband... I mean he needs to know, who is his husband '

Mr Wat was giving death glares to Mr Joss.

Win -
'Phi Wat.... What are they talking about.... What I don't know phi Wat.... I don't want to hear anything from them.... I hate them, I hate mafias '

Mr Wat's expression changed he was feeling afraid that what will Win do if he get to know that his husband is.....

Win -
'You know phi Wat my father died because of the mafia... The old mafia who seems to be Mr Joss's uncle my mother also died because of their pressure... All my life was worse because of mafia.. I never wanted to get involved with them but my bad luch... I hate mafias with all my heart. Because of them I lost everything '

Mr Wat was trembling because of Win's words. He knows that Win doesn't like mafias that's why he hide everything from Win. Because he can't let Win loose, he love him a lot... Not only a lot Win is his everything.

Joss -
'Hahahahaha..... That's so funny Win.... U know.... Without knowing you are living with a mafia... You hate mafias right.... Then you must hate your own husband '

Win's eyes gets widened after hearing everything. He can't believe Joss cause that Mr once tricked him and now he will not gonna believe him again.

Win -
'Do you think I believe you.... Phi Wat will never ever tell me lie about something like this.... Even without knowing my truth about hating mafias.'

Mr Wat was feeling guilty because of what he have done but it was not Mr Wat's fault. How can he say that to his husband that he is an underworld mafia and he didn't do anything wrong with Win that can hurt Win, he always try to do the best for him, try to love him because of Win he even starts his new company to show Win that his husband is not a bad person but trying to be a good person.

Joss -
'Okay.... Don't believe me.... But ask your husband. He can't lie to you right... Then ask him while looking at his eyes directly I want to see the great Vachirawit how can he lie to his loving husband '

Win divert his eyes towards Mr wat he was asking him if what Joss was telling that was wrong. Win was 100% sure Joss was tricking him .

Mr Wat -
'Win.... I can't tell you lie.... This is the truth I'm a mafia '

The world gets upside down for Win. In his life he always try to make a distance with mafias . He don't like this kind of person who kills everyone . He hates them because his parents died because of them. And how can a person live with a monster like this. Who don't care about someone's life.

Win -
'What are you talking phi Wat... Why are you joking with me.... Why everyone is tricking me... Tell me it's a dream I want to woke up from this dream cause I hate this dream'

Win was crying while saying this. Mr wat can't control his emotions he hugged Win with his both hands. Mr Wat's heart was pounding really fast.... Like anytime it will burst. He always try to hide his true self from Win. But today everything just changed in a blink of eyes.

Joss -
'Look I was not wrong Win.... And one other surprise for you.... Your so called phi Wat's name is not Sarawat .... He literally changed his name because of you..... '

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