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Kei can't help but smile. Yes, people think he is an asshole for what he is doing. But he can't help it. Back to his twenty year old self, he always have to fight the urge to kiss Ai. His parents always told him to respect Ai because she was like a sister he never had.

It was difficult growing up with people around him instilling in him how he should treat Ai because they are childhood friends. But that night when she told him she loves him, he just can't help it. And her lips were the sweetest.

Up until now, he has proven quite a few times that that was still true. The difference from before was how she responded. Sixteen year old Ai was innocent. The Ai that he's living with now is responsive. Naalala niya kung paano gumalaw ang mga labi nito. Her soft lips glided against his and her tongue played with him. He would get lost until they run out of breath and she will wake up like she did the most sinful thing.

He knows she's doing that because of what he did before but it still stings that there's always that feeling of regret reflecting in her eyes.

He knew he can't do this longer. He dialed up a number and talked to the person that would somehow make things right.

"Hey, Kei."

They never had an endearment. Not Babe, Honey, Baby, or Love. Just on first name basis.

"Hey, Brooke."

"This must be important for you to call at this hour."

"It's already 7 AM."

"Whatever. What's up?"

Huminga muna siya ng malalim bago nagsalita. "I want to break up the engagement."

A few seconds of silence went on the other line before she answered. "Can you tell me why?"

"I want to set things right."

"You've met her haven't you?"

Hindi lingid sa kaalaman ng fiance niya na may kaisa-isang babaeng laman ang puso niya simula't sapol. Brooke knew that there's a possibility for him to meet her here.


"And the feelings are still there?"

"You knew it never went away."

"Well does she want you?"

Napaupo siya sa kama at napasabunot sa buhok. "Not quite, I'd say."

"Want me to help you out?"

He chuckled. "I'm breaking my engagement with you because of another woman and here you are pushing me towards her."

"Let's just say I want to thank you giving me the best sex of my life."

Kumunot ang noo niya. "We never had sex."

Truth be told, they tried just for the sake of doing it. But it never worked. They were not in the mood. They never turned each other on.

"I met this guy the other night. I was out drinking with some friends. And things happened. I will actually see him later."

"You go girl." He said.

"Before we break it off, I want to help you out Kei."

"Knowing you, you have something not so good up in your sleeves."

"I actually don't have anything yet. But I'll see you in a few weeks."

"You're coming here?"

Elites 5: Keiran Gabriel [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon